farmerman wrote:arbovitae are being decimated by bagworms as far north asMAine. Privet with a back of Leyland Cypress is a good choice. We use Leyland Cypress on top of Berms for screening of water retention basins at mines. They grow quickly and can get nice and dense.
If you were somewhat south Id suggest a tree back layer of Pawlonia. They can grow 20 feet in a year sfter the first year (all trees "sleep" during their first year after transplant.
Thanks Farmer. Any idea how tall the Leyland get to be? 8ft would be all the height I prefer, but I wouldn't mind if they were, say, 10-12ft.
I also want a tree that I don't have to maintain, like my spruce, plant it, nurse it for a bit until it takes root and just forget about them.