Sat 4 Aug, 2007 03:24 pm
a few people i sent that to said it was depressing.
i think its cool...
when I click "now", by the time the birth rate hit 500, the number of abortions was 172.
made me think of all the people who spend thousands and thousands of dollars to get in vitro and all the stuff.
just went back and looked, when abortions hit 330...1 person died of it.
and 4 people illegally came into the U.S.
interesting, in a strange way.
I am not going to look at that clock but rather rely on Chai to tell me all about it.
One by one the sands of time are falling.
Ignorance is bliss... so they say.
how come we're singled out in the US. Is it because we've got so much more marital gunk going on?
I think the guy who put that together is American, onyxelle. If you click on the ? and Visit buttons, it tells you you can put your own clock together, so these were his choices.
Neato! Thanks for the link!
well dammit, I feel like I want to be a part of this all....I need to go out and get an abortion or maybe a divorce.
I think I'll just cross a border illegally. Mexico's closer but the weathers nicer in Canada. Which way should I go?
Chai wrote:[...] Which way should I go?
British Columbia welcomes you with open arms. :wink: