old fashioned gali wrote:Thanks all for your advice. At least I learned from this experience, no matter how much I value a persons word I should still get it in writting. I wish the good old days were back when you closed deals on a handshake and people actually took value in the promises that they made and the words that came out of their mouths. "I think i'll go rent a black and white movie."

Yeah, sometime we just gotta go rent black and white movies ;-)
Believe it or not, in the good old days, there were people who pulled the same crap, the only difference is that there are a lot more people now, which gives us more of these lovely users
When I was younger, I use to get extremely upset when these things happened. It drove me crazy thinking I couldn't trust people, but then as I got older, I decided that I was putting far too much of my energy into being angry, so I chalked all this stuff up to learning experience and like it or not, I had to watch and cover my back.
I've had some losses from being lied too and not getting things in writing, but I've listened to other stories which made me realize it could have been worse.
Way back when before I was born, one of my mothers uncles got another one of her relatives drunk one night and conned him into signing over his house. Yes, his house!
So, the old days may have it's good sides, but there were still nasty, greedy, and untrustworthy people, just like today and unfortunately for them, the laws weren't much in those days, so there wasn't much protection.
If it were today, my mothers uncle would have never gotten away with stealing a mans house.
again, I'm so sorry this happened to you, but I'm happy that you learned something valuable through it all, just as I did.
Good luck with everything and hope you manage to squeeze through the month ok.