Sweeney Todd at The Picturehouse today (Sunday).See the relevant thread for my thoughts.
The reason I'm posting this is to have a moan about bladders and cellphones.
On my film-watching excursions,I normally book ahead,maybe a couple of weeks in advance,for the "best seat available" which not only gives me the best view possible of the screen,but also a good view of the auditaurium itself,which means that you can see almost everyone going for a "bathroom break",something we all have to do from time to time.Within 15 minutes of the start of the film,7 people had to avail themselves of the facilities.Most made their way out caring not a jot about obscuring others view of the screen.Only 1 made an effort.She walked out,and back,bent 90 degrees at the waist.Reminded me a bit about John Cleese's Ministry Of Silly Walks.But,give her her due,she was trying to be considerate.Now,these people knew that they were going to watch a film,in this case,95 minutes.So I would have thought that they would have limited their liquid intake accordingly.
Thankfully,The Picturehouse has a cell phone "killer" installed,knocking out all reception,so we are not plagued by folks chatting during a performance.The lady sitting next to me obviously didn't know this as,every 10 minutes,she checked her phone,and yes,it was one that had a screen that would light up the car park.Are peoples lives so important that they can't cut themselves off from the rest of the world for such a short period? If yes,then wait for the DVD!
Rant over.Sorry to waste your time
