Thu 31 Jul, 2003 08:39 am
Hi Mr. Craven, sir!
Here's a question - hopefully it goes in this section and not "forums" above - if it does, please let me know and i'll repost, or feel free to move it....
On my cheesy site, I have a contest, and I want entrants to reply to the contest thread. I'm also making them work for their booty, so I'm asking for mini reviews. I got a sucker, I mean, kind person who did one - so I left the review in the thread where I want it, but I also want the review in the appropriate category thread.
The only way I know how to do this is to edit the article, copy, and paste it in the appropriate forum - which I don't mind doing - but then the article shows as being posted by ME, and it has my avatar - I would rather the author's name and avatar appear instead. I could request they post a blank or garbage post in the appropriate forum, and then copy and paste into there, but I didn't know if there was a way to copy and paste the entire post/name/avatar elsewhere - think there is?
Thanks a bunch!
I'll answer for Craven (hope he doesn't mind). How 'bout posting just the link to the review?
Jespah, doesn't this sound a lot like what you do when you split a discussion?
I was thinking when a whole thread is moved but a shadow is left -- the same thread in two forums.
roger wrote:Jespah, doesn't this sound a lot like what you do when you split a discussion?
I think this is the opposite, a topic join (e. g. a post is lifted from one topic and placed within another topic).
hmm - adding a link isn't the worst idea i've ever seen

but it doesn't accomplish what i'm looking to do - mainly, put the post where it belongs (and give the author credit), but also have it where others see that that is the way to post for the contest - so sure, i'm duplicating posts - in fact, i'm trying to!
i did see there's a feature called shadowing - not sure if that's a stock phpbb feature, or left over from when i had my over-modded under-functioning board.
anyway, thanks for the responses guys - so far i don't see how to do what i want - but i am always game for the comraderie here!
roger wrote:Jespah, doesn't this sound a lot like what you do when you split a discussion?
i THINK when you split a discussion, you're actually ripping the rest of the thread and putting it somewhere else - kind of a cut and paste, where i'm trying to copy and paste.
one example of a split i've seen is where a thread goes off topic and the rest gets moved to the appropriate spot - at least that's my understanding of it
Okay, I'll explain.
Splitting a thread is exactly that (yeah, that's really helpful). E. g. I can remove, say, the first and third posts from this topic and leave the remainder here. And the first and third posts would be a new topic, with a new title. That "new" topic (really just the first and third of our posts here) could be placed in this forum or any of the 50 some-odd other forums on this site.
So the first and third posts aren't lost, they're just pulled out and made into their own topic.
But that's not what you're looking for. You are looking for a way to grab the first and third posts (for example) and stuff them into another topic, say the topic about Garden Photos. The answer is, we can't do that here. We don't have topic union on Able2Know. I don't know if it's available at any other PHP sites, but we don't have it here.
As for shadowing, all that does is the equivalent of a cross-post. So it makes it appear as if the entire thread is duplicated on a second forum (say, Art). So that doesn't fulfill your requirement of moving the first and third post to another thread. And, even if you split out the first and third posts and then make a shadow topic in the correct forum (are you still with me?), that still won't fit your requirements. All you'll have is a short topic with 2 posts, not 2 posts stuffed into a preexisting other topic.
Your best bets are either:
(a) do as you have been, just copy and paste the content and ask the participants to do the same (with whatever success rate you're having there) or
(b) post a link in the correct topic, linking to the post in the other topic.
Them's your choices, unless someone codes a method of doing topic union.
thanks for the reply jespah! wow - topic union - i don't know if that's an official term...but you sure made it sound official

thanks again. we'll see what ol' cravey can figure out...
My solutions ain't any easier. I would run some sql on the dab and actually post what you ant under the unsername you want etc etc. But I just woke up. I'll become sentinent later.
(I'd posted a "Sorry, misread", but that's right when the site was going wacko.)
Hmm. I just finished reading your post.
Out of the box phpbb has no solution for you.
There is some code floating around that allows you to merge topics (I haven't used it because I plan to make my own). But there is none that I know of to allow you to duplicate a post.
Like I said, you have access to the DB. So you would always do this through SQL. But it would be tricky and I caution against it.
Craven de Kere wrote:My solutions ain't any easier. I would run some sql on the dab and actually post what you ant under the unsername you want etc etc. But I just woke up. I'll become sentinent later.
<trying to be funny> - i thought you were already sentient. how can you have been considered for diety-ism, or any other ism, if you weren't sentient?
okay, not funny...what do you want, i'm tired and barely sentinent

hey, i have to admit. i looked up the word sentinent - i took it to mean, "barely conscious" - turns out i think you had a typo - there was no sentinent in the dictionary, though there appears to be a computer game using that term...alright, this is the rambling you get when your spouse has reality tv on...ok, back to, err, nothing important....