Sun 22 Jul, 2007 11:14 am
Hello all,
I hope that someone out here can help.
I would love to get the names of my children in hebrew.
They are
Many thanks in advance.
Thank you very much.
I am useless on the PC so can I ask what you would do with this as I have surfed for hours now and each site I go to gives a different spelling as such!!
Click on the link that I wrote. There is a place on that page for both girl's and boy's names, by letter. Click on the letter that you want, and you will get a list of names.
As far as the English spelling of Hebrew names, remember, we are dealing with two different alphabets. Therefore, when a name is transliterated from Hebrew to English, it often may be spelled a number of ways.
Thanks once again Phoenix.
I tried the link but I cannot find anything even close to Toby or Jenson....
Will keep trying though.
They are both boys and the names are spelt as follows
Is the link you posted down as I cant seem to open it??
The my-hebrew name link works nicely.
Just done it!!!!
Toby is there but not Jenson.
Thanks anyway for your help.
Back to the drawing board I think.
Kind Regards,
'Jenson' means already "son of jen", which makes a translation a bit difficult since your name is Mark :wink:
Mark- Jenson is a relatively new name. There probably is not a Hebrew name that matches it. Just pick a name that you like that starts with a a "Y" which would be equivalent to a "J" in English.
Now a bit longer than already said above: Jens is Danish form for John and -sen is to show "son of".
Jensen therefore means "son of John" in English.
So Walter, if you want to get technical, the name would be Ben-Yonatan.
"Ben" is Hebrew for "son of". There is no John in Hebrew, but Jonathan would be the closest match.
My childerns names in Hebrew
Isn't there a Biblical character Tobias or Tobit?
Why the desire to have a Hebrew equivalent for a first name?
Probably for either a bar or bat mitzvah.
I have a compound Hebrew name and both parts have a biblical origin.