Any word on Marlboro and a contest yet?
Don't know anything about that TTH. Good morning by the way.
Hi Dutchy
Hey I am down to 1 cigarette a day. How are you?
I'm well TTH, didn't know you smoked. Have never smoked in my life.
me = smoking
That is what got me to this site. So, you think I have a life sentence on the pm?
Smoking will give you a life sentence, pm restriction is only a temporary one I would think, I'm sure the powers to be will lift the ban sooner or later. :wink:
I think it has been over a year about the pm thing. It seems to be a little excessive for punishment imo. Breathing gives you a life sentence too btw. Speaking of powers, it is more like a power trip.
.....and to the one that didn't think I would last 90 days, you were wrong.
Maybe we should start a thread "Give TTH her pm privileges back".
Ya, that would go over real good. I can see it now.....the thread would turn to Craven de Kere. Just what I don't need
Bye TTH, have a great day.
Day is over, it is past midnight.
That being the case, goodnight TTH, see you tomorrow.
....and bye again (sleepy)
Good morning TTH, I'm losing track of time.

How are you?
I am awake now
I have to be because I need to get our quarterly tax reports done in 1/2 hour
No tax reports here until the end of June, my annual battle with the IRI, I thrive on it.
Lucky you. I am just tired of doing them after all these years. It has been 22 years now.