It's the ears.
I can't take my eyes off of them.
I knew it... Did you know that i can touch one of em with my tongue?
coondog wrote:I knew it... Did you know that i can touch one of em with my tongue?
the other one's a little off-centre, isn't it
I spoke with Ox earlier, he said he would stop by later.
ehBeth wrote:coondog wrote:I knew it... Did you know that i can touch one of em with my tongue?
the other one's a little off-centre, isn't it
No, part of it got bit off, and never grew back...
I didn't realize that you knew Mike Tyson.
It looks like someone removed Marlboro Threads VI, VII, VIII, and IX.
I am not a happy man right now. I worked hard creating those threads.
The hamsters have no idea that they have just opened the gates of hell.
Wow ... new folks on the new thread. Dorothy welcome to our organized insanity. Unkie thanks for keeping me posted. Did you get your 7777 contest entry from Marlboro yet?
I was wondering about the 7777 entry, Flumoxed. My answer was Grecian Formula. And yours?
Gus ... nice to see you breathing again. Don't fret over that pesky hamster. We neutered him long ago.
Hi ((((cutie)))) where ya been hiding? :wink:
Actually, it was a her, so neutering would be negligible, but, what did happen to the aforementioned threads?
gustavratzenhofer wrote:I was wondering about the 7777 entry, Flumoxed. My answer was Grecian Formula. And yours?
This contest is a no-brainer Gus. Just call a 1-800 number, give em' the 16 digit code they sent and yer in! Won't be starting a new forum thread for this one. :wink:
benoutwitted wrote:Hi ((((cutie)))) where ya been hiding? :wink:

I have been outside your window, watching.... waiting.