Wed 18 Jul, 2007 01:03 pm
MONTGOMERY, Ala., July 18, 2007 -- A federal district court in Virginia on Tuesday indicted Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick and three others for alleged involvement in and interstate dog fighting operation.
The court document is laced with descriptions of how animals were "tested" and in some cases executed. According to the indictment Peace and Vick "'rolled' or 'tested' some of their fighting dogs against other dogs owned by CW #1 and others in Virginia Beach, Virginia. "Rolling" or "testing" a fighting dog means placing the dog in a short fighting match to determine how well the animal fights . One of the pit bulls sponsored by PEACE and VICK in this "testing" session did not fight very well. In or about February 2002, PEACE executed the pit bull that did not perform well in the "testing" session by shooting it with a .22 caliber pistol."
Allegedly in the summer of 2002 two other dogs were also executed for not performing well during "testing." One dog was shot and another electrocuted, according to the indictment.
Elsewhere the indictment alleges that in March 2003 a "Bad Newz Kennels" pit bull lost a fight and "In or about March of 2003, PEACE, after consulting with VICK about the losing female pit bull's condition, executed the losing dog by wetting the dog down with water and electrocuting the animal ."
Bad Newz Kennels sounds about right.
I'm glad they got caught.
So sad that these poorly paid athletes have to take on second jobs...
I heard about this on the radio.
Apparently this man would go to extremes with these animals,
hanging, beating, drowning.. all because they didnt win a fight, or would not be aggressive
They had pictures of some of the beaten dogs on the news - I had to turn it off - I'm tearing up just thinking about those chewed up faces.
A single well placed .22 will also execute an alligator. Do not, and let me emphasize DO NOT try this trick from the front. It annoys them, and they are way quicker than you would ever believe. I've never been that interested in alligators, but it was an old, and very quiet poacher's technique.