David, your perspective appears to be that anyone who disagrees with firearms for all is wrong.
The international comparisons have a couple of purposes :
-only an international comparison can show the correlation between an increase in guns per capita leading to an increase in firearms deaths per capita (and therefore the greater the perceived need to carry a firearm)
-some people posting here (myself at least, and perhaps others), come from international communities, and as you have attacked my/their(ie international) stance, international statistics have validity.
As I've said in posts before
what is right for you in the States may not be right for other countries (or other people in the States, but that is up to them to discuss if they exist).
can u tell me how well armed the victims were ?
The question shows you didn't read the link. Of the (333) 2001 fatalities, 18 were accidents, 261 were suicides, 47 were homicides, and 7 undetermined/other. Those stats don't break the 47 homicides down into the two major classes of homicide - Domestic Homicide (in which case the victim spouse/child rarely has a gun on them), and Criminal v Criminal Homicide (over drug debts and the likes). Homicide between strangers is the rarest form of homicide in Australia.
Quote:Y r we interested in suicides with firearms ??
That should be self evident - firearms is perhaps of the easiest forms of suicide, and it is also possible to commit murder/suicide, and suicide by cop with a firearm.
Quote:Everyone has the right to end his life,
whenever he dam pleases; that is a PERSONAL DECISION.
I've no problem with that, just so long as they decide to do it in a way that doesn't mean others are traumatised by the mess (that would be suicide by train, cop etc, or anything where there is body parts and unnecessary blood left laying around).
Quote:By what right do u seek to interfere ?
Would you care to clarify whether you mean interfere in gun related suicides, or interfere in ownership of guns?
If the latter, which I am guessing you mean, then it is simple, by the right of the community to be safer as a whole (remember, this statement applies to my opinion in and of Australia, not necessarily to the US).