boomerang wrote:Thanks fishin'.
I want to be sure I'm clear: when gay couples adopt, they adopt as a married couple would not as a single parent would -- is that right?
When one is a biological parent then it works like a step parent adoption, right?[/quote[
I think that is true in both cases however, if the gay/lesbian couple is married (via MA) or in a Civil Union (via VT) then no adoption is required at all (and this couple was in a Civil Union). I think that when a child is born during the marriage/civil union the parties to the marriage/union are automaticlly the legal parents. (I'd have to research that further to see how the states outside of MA and VT actually handle it if the child is born in their state!)
[quote]I'm still sorting through my thoughts on this but I tend to sway in the direction that whoever appears on the reissued birth certificate needs to have both the responsiblities and the rights.
The long term ramification I'd be concerned about is how this might affect sperm/egg donors in the future as well as the sperm/egg banks. And this applies to hetro couples as well as gays/lesbians.
If the courts decide that a donor can be held responsible (as a parent) of the resulting child then the whole anonymous donation process could be a thing of the past. Are people still going to be willing to donate knowing that 10, 15 or 20 years later someone could file a lawsuit to hold them responsible for their earlier donation? I'd expect a book titled "Co-Parenting with Strangers" to show up at the local book stores.
But we'll have to wait and see how other court decisions go over the years and also see what the legislatures do.
(Overall, IMO, the decision in this case was a bit of a cop-out. I think if the guy had still been alive it would have been decided differently. With is death, the court can rule that he was legally responsible without creating any actual burden on him, the kids become eligible for social security benefits due to his death and he can't actually interfere with any parenting decisions. Everybody wins, right?)