Wed 13 Aug, 2008 08:16 am - Bob went to the pet store and bought a parrot. The parrot had a slight disability. It didn't have any feet, so it would wrap its penis around its perch.
Because of the disability, the pet... (view)
Wed 13 Aug, 2008 07:41 am - Bill worked in a pickle factory.
He had been employed there for a number of years when he came home one day to confess to his wife that he had a terrible compulsion. He had an urge to stick his... (view)
Wed 13 Aug, 2008 04:40 am - Re: Is There a Laziness Gene?
This is my favorite one from the study:
[quote="BumbleBeeBoogie"]One stuffed wood shavings around the wheel and turned it into a bed;
[/quote] (view)
Wed 13 Aug, 2008 04:38 am - That was an interesting article, BBB.
To be honest, I've never noticed any difference between active and inactive meeces. Those little suckers all run pretty fast when I'm chasing... (view)
Wed 13 Aug, 2008 04:36 am - Gus, I know that clip represents your idea of poignant. Thank you for that contribution.
I know all the men out there would like to thank Lucille too. :) (view)
Tue 12 Aug, 2008 08:02 pm - I agree. I remember the first time I saw Cool Hand Luke. I was riveted by the story and the great performance of Paul Newman.
Loved the part where he broke out of jail, went out a had a great... (view)
Tue 12 Aug, 2008 05:38 pm - [quote="firefly"]
I don't think I've ever read or heard a bad word about this man. He seems to have integrity and intelligence, as well as strength of character and humanity.... (view)
Sun 10 Aug, 2008 10:29 pm - [quote="Rockhead"]Paul Newman is a True Gentleman.
If The US had Knights, he would damn sure be one...[/quote]
Very true. (view)
Sun 10 Aug, 2008 07:55 pm - Another eloquent post. I couldn't agree more, Jane.
There are many celebrities who come and go -- but every now and then there's one who just gets to you. I actually got a little... (view)