Mon 25 Apr, 2016 06:10 pm - Just because you don't know your father does NOT mean he doesn't like you. There are two men here that are making sure they are available if a child is looking for them. If your father... (view)
Wed 20 Apr, 2016 12:56 pm - You're not alone brother!! I'm here just in case someone is looking for me too. Stationed 6 places in 4 years though... Navy. Even though we are ashamed of our past, it takes a LOT of... (view)
Tue 6 Jan, 2015 03:02 pm - @jespah Hopefully you're right.I strongly dislike the idea that I've left a child fatherless. Especially reading all of the emotions these kids go through! Ladies Man + Military = VERY... (view)
Tue 6 Jan, 2015 02:03 pm - I keep having this dream that I have a daughter that I was never told about. In the dream, I am sitting on her bed talking to a MAD little girl. She is very angry that she has never met me, but she... (view)