Tue 4 Aug, 2015 03:27 pm - [quote]
Hillary has too many problems and her pandering to Natanyahu is a major one.[/quote]
I realize Hillary is bias in favor of Israel, but she was a US senator from New York, which has an... (view)
Tue 4 Aug, 2015 01:49 pm - [quote]
We are on the slippery slope. And it won't take long for them to complete the takeover, now that bribery drives our government. Only voting in the right people can make a... (view)
Tue 4 Aug, 2015 12:39 pm - [quote]And oligarchy is a fancy word for dictatorship.[/quote]
America has not exactly lived up to its true potential....there's so very much that is ethically wrong with the US political... (view)
Mon 3 Aug, 2015 06:12 am - [u]My Apologies if this NYTimes's article has been posted previously.[/u][b][/b]
Support for Bernie Sanders Is Deep but Narrow
As many as 100,000 people attended house parties for Bernie... (view)
Sat 1 Aug, 2015 04:31 pm - [quote]
I am not aware of too much baggage and/or issues with Biden other than sticking his foot in his mouth on occasion.[/quote]
This just makes him more human and touchable. Joe... (view)
Sat 1 Aug, 2015 04:21 pm - [quote]
I don't know why aged 60-70 should be a deal breaker. There are scores of people in public office over the age of 60. Does the relative youth of people like Rubio and Jindal make them... (view)
Sun 26 Jul, 2015 06:43 pm - [quote]Idjits like the ones in support of Trump remind me of Cleavon Little holding himself hostage in Blazing Saddles.[/quote]
Kool analysis...I remember that film which left me in stitches;... (view)
Sun 26 Jul, 2015 01:29 pm - [quote]I honestly don't know what a president CAN do to root out the institutional racism that festers and is passed on in our police societies.[/quote]
President Obama is president of all... (view)
Sun 26 Jul, 2015 10:16 am - [quote]Every one of us is a two-faced Janus: the face (or attitude) we show to those we agree with is not the same as the one we show to those we disagree with. [/quote]
There is no perfect... (view)
Sun 26 Jul, 2015 06:35 am - [quote]Firefly wants to lecture other people[/quote]
I'm an admirer of Firefly. In my personal opinion, she is one of the most articulate and perceptive posters on this board; she does... (view)