Wed 27 Jan, 2010 09:57 pm - android tablet... that sounds like heaven.... i rather have than than my cell phone so people dont have to bother me. (view)
Wed 20 Jan, 2010 12:56 am - I actually have a league pass application that allows me to watch nba games all of them. My issue is that since im in sacramento they blackout all our games. I need something to trick my phone to... (view)
Tue 19 Jan, 2010 11:14 am - Is there a way to change your zipcode or location of the gps service?
I want to watch sacramento kings games but its blacked out on league pass since im in a certain area. (view)
Sat 16 Jan, 2010 10:47 am - Do watch out for the specifics. I remember back in the day we had really good text packages for a couple bucks but if we wanted nationwide minutes we had to upgrade losing our text packages. (view)