Sat 11 Feb, 2012 03:51 pm - [quote]Do you have anything to add to this forum? [/quote]
I could ask you that question since you started the thread but haven't contributed with the exceptions of a few copy and paste... (view)
Sat 11 Feb, 2012 03:44 pm - [quote]reasonable discussion.
Get over youself missy! its a forum, discussions go from one extreme to the other. (view)
Sat 11 Feb, 2012 03:22 pm - [quote]I could handle you with one fist behind my back. [/quote]
Yikes! oh honey us lesbians are not into fisting, good ol stap on will do just fine, and in your case would be a large improvment... (view)
Sat 11 Feb, 2012 03:15 pm - I'm not sure what the little woman is doing with the buttermilk chicken but she's cooking bacon too, told me to get the hell out of the kitchen. :P (view)
Sat 11 Feb, 2012 02:54 pm - I usually plan my day ahead of time. For instance we know what we are doing for dinner hours ahead of time. Usually by mid-week we know what are plans are for the weekend. Sometimes I get a little... (view)
Sat 11 Feb, 2012 01:52 pm - Yes I'm a lesbian and I don't care who knows, I'm not one of those man-hating lesbians thou, I like men as long as I'm not showering with them 8-) (view)