OK here are some pictures. Forgive the quality, this was in done in a made dash around the house this morning with a camera that I am not very familiar with.
This is our newest, Gypsie:
She is cute and cuddly. One morning hubby heard crashing noises coming from our bathroom and ran in to find this...
how she managed to get up there and keep her balance I will never know. The shower width is only about an inch, maybe.
This is Whisper my oldest and the one who is slightly "touched"
This is Nugget, the Queen of the house
and this is Tabbie, my cowardly lion. He weighs close to 20 lbs. but is a complete fraidy cat. That would be Gypsie about to attack his tail, her new favorite past time..
Next is Bodhidharma (Bodhi for short) our rather new puppy dog. Near as we can figure he is a mix between golden lab and Akita.
Then there is Oscar, our Sun Conure. As you can see he really loves his banana chips...
and he is a ham for the camera.
Here are my parakeets. Aiko is the yellow one and Cirrus is blue.
And last but not least we have our fish Diddles and Diddles
I realized that in all of this I forgot about my husband's snake.
She is a New Mexican Rosie Boa and I unfortunately don't have any pics of her. Yet.