Let's put the women of A2K into some kind of holding pen.

Dorothy Parker
Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:14 pm
He's not thought it through properly. Typical.
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:15 pm
HA! You fell for that trick! Chatter is actually a MAN who I hired to show up here and get you gals all riled up so that we might keep your guards down!

Come on now, Chatter, help me round up some of these broads!
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:15 pm
Chai wrote:
Kicky, why don't you listen to that new poster Chatter?

It seems he/she has hit the nail on the head, and I for one refuse to go along with your little charade.

I suppose you think you really funny.

I think you are sad with your ridiculous little joke.

Somebody drop a net on Chai... but not the holding pen. It's the reeducation camp for this one. she's way gone.....
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:16 pm
Chatter wrote:
I assume you are attempting some rediculous joke. I agree that feminism has created more family and societal problems than it has solved, but let's not create another Iraq in our so-called "free" western world. If this is truly your opinion of women, I'll assume your next suggestion will be to kill baby girls and old people.

The root of the "problem" of which you speak is that neither men nor women understand their roles anymore. This is the result of feminism and women as homemakers and child rearers being belittled. Men no longer know if they should provide for their family or change diapers. If government could somehow encourage single income households, perhaps by lowering income tax for such homes or by offering a subsidy of some sort to make it more attractive for women to raise their children rather than paying someone else to do it, perhaps one would see more traditional families again. I beleive this would solve a lot of issues, including our juvenile delinqency problem.

Chatter, welcome to A2K. You are a barrel of laughs. You'll fit right in.
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:20 pm
look at this Chatter guy...

He's trying to get only attractive women to raise children by offering them a subsidy of some sort.

What? So all the ugly women can't have babies?

Are you hoping all the ugly women will die out, and not spread their ugly genes?

That's not nice.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:23 pm
(Chorus 2x):
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

A pretty woman makes her husband look small
And very often causes his downfall
As soon as he marries her then she starts
To do the things that will break his heart

But if you make an ugly woman your wife
you'll be happy for the rest of your life

An ugly woman cooks meals on time
And she'll always give you peace of mind
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:24 pm
well done kickycan. You managed to get a lot of people angry, but unfortunately there was not a lot of intelligent thought behind their ire
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:28 pm
Chatter, we've been trying to get this kickycan under control for a long time.

You have no idea how many times a week he comes on here and stirs things up.

Quite honestly, it's hard to think straight after awhile when you find yourself hitting your head against the wall over such a person.

Perhaps your fresh views will put a damper on his shananigans.

Now what's all this about only attractive women raising children?
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:29 pm
quit sucking up Chai.... don't trust her Chatter... she's an agitator....
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:33 pm
Agitator! I have one of those in my shiny new washing machine! Oh how I LOVE to do the laundry.

What were we talking about again...?
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:35 pm
lol @ Freeduck... Laughing
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:35 pm
And a real time saver from going down to the creek too.... now you can spend more time baking....
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:36 pm
Dammit, Bear, I was coming back to add something to my last post so I don't look so vapid, and you've gotten in my way! Delete your post at once.
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:38 pm
>hefts wire heavy-duty snips ... decides it's a good weapon and useful tool ... slips it into pocket <

Since I've never bred and have no interest in children of my own, I wonder what Chatter thinks I should do with my life.
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:39 pm
Gynecologic restraining orders, Kicky?
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:47 pm
Holy *&%* ladies, cool it!! If you don't want kids, don't have kids. If you have kids, raise them!! I am suggesting mutual respect between the sexes. I am really tired of the man-bashing/woman-bashing. There are things that each gender is better at than the other and its time we get off the playground and accept out abilities and disabilities. (by the way kickycan, I am a broad, as you call it. I just happen to be more free-thinking than most think they are).
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 01:54 pm
See what I mean Chatter?

He has no problem with calling a woman a broad. I'll tell you, I've heard him say a lot worse too.

tico, I've never bred either. If it was up to the men here, they'd probably stick us on some island.

Chatter, there is really only a few men here who exhibit this mutual respect you speak of, hopefully you'll be meeting them soon.

One such person would be gustavratzenhofer, another is Victor Murphy. I'd advise you to stick close to them.
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 02:03 pm
Chatter wrote:
Holy *&%* ladies, cool it!! If you don't want kids, don't have kids. If you have kids, raise them!! I am suggesting mutual respect between the sexes. I am really tired of the man-bashing/woman-bashing. There are things that each gender is better at than the other and its time we get off the playground and accept out abilities and disabilities. (by the way kickycan, I am a broad, as you call it. I just happen to be more free-thinking than most think they are).

I like you, Chatter. Would you like to go back behind the shed some time and make out for a little while? Of course afterwards, it will be back to the pen with you, but for a little while, you will have your freedom. So whattaya say?
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 02:14 pm
check her girth first kick to see if she has breeding hips....
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 02:14 pm
OMG you are killing me with laughter Laughing Laughing Laughing
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