So you want to tell me what you're doing to preserve and manage endangered polar bear habitat other than encouraging killing them? That's not my definition of conservation.
Coolwhip wrote:As long as there is no bi-polar bear huntin'...
thank you. some love from somewhere....
cjhsa wrote:Absolutely. Population management is essential to the survival of any species, and it has been proven for over 100 years. Global climate change is constant but you global warming nuts have only been around for a few years. You really need to grow up.
Anybody recognize these two bear killers?
one's a draft dodger from the 70's who preached f**king everything that moved until it became more career expedient to wrap himself in the flag and pretend to be a real patriotic american.... the other is some old fart i don't recognize? Do you fellate both of them or just the former?
The lion's share of my hunting and fishing license fees goes to managing game and habitat. But you are just trying to drag the thread away from the issue, which is:
The Humane Society of the United States is a Washington, D.C. based SIG/PAC that is the largest, most heavily funded anti-hunting group in the world, who have hijacked the name, as they have nothing to do with your local animal shelter. By misrepresenting themselves, they essentially steal money from little old ladies worried about the doves on their feeder, and from unsuspected, soft hearted people who have no idea they're undermining their own lifestyle by contributing to them.
HSUS is bad news - they are all about destroying the heritage and what's left of our hunt/fish culture. They don't even want you to eat meat, as evidenced by their financial support of PETA.
Polar bears are food. Dangerous food, but food.
cjhsa wrote:
Polar bears are food. Dangerous food, but food.
Ursus maritimus you are speaking about, right? And you spend a lot for
habitat, correct?
Could you stint yourself a bit and spend a part of that money for your education?
You just love to lie about the HSUS. The HSUS is not a political action committee--it is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization listed by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization--which means that it can not[/i] use its money for campaign activities to influence elections to public office.
By contrast, you @sshole buddies at the NRA are a 501(c)(4) organization, which can spend substantial amounts of their donation income on lobbying and for election campaigns--which is why most donations to the NRA are not tax deductible.
You don't even deserve a "nice try" for this perennial lie which you try to peddle.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
one's a draft dodger from the 70's who preached f**king everything that moved...
And you can't identify with that?
Setanta wrote:You just love to lie about the HSUS. The HSUS is not a political action committee--it is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization listed by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization--which means that it can not[/i] use its money for campaign activities to influence elections to public office.
Then explain to me how HSUS was able to place P3 on Michigan's ballot by outsourcing a west coast signature collection firm?
Or that they currently are holding up Dyslexia's pet pot project in New Mexico with an anti-cockfighting bill?
Have you ever read their mission statement? Comon Set, at least the NRA is honest about it's intentions...
Where do you get this crap, cj? You claim HSUS has nothing to do with local humane societies. I went to the website of my local humane society, Angell Memorial, which has a Massachusetts-wide, country-wide, and world-wide reputation for animal care and animal protection. When local vets don't know how to deal with an animal problem, they send you to Angell Memorial. They're the best. And Angell has worked regularly with HSUS. If Angell does it, I'll back it . And they work with HSUS. I also went to the HSUS website and find your characterization of them totally wack. They do admirable work..
And by the way, you don't think much of democracy, do you? P3 won in Michigan, didn;t it? 69%, that's SIXTY-NINE PERCENT of voters supported reinstatement of the ban on dove hunting which had been in effect for a century, until the stealth reclassification of doves from songbirds to game birds. 69% is a super-majority. You kvetch about HSUS as an alleged outside group, supporting it with a local group, even tho HSUS has 300,000 members in MI--which pretty much makes them local too. While you seem to have no problem with dove hunting being backed with money from the trade association of firearms manufacturers--definitely from outside the state. And you start a whole thread denigrating the overwhelming will of the people of Michigan, because you disagree with it. I'm proud to be originally from Michigan, particularly when I see the overwhelming good sense of its voters on this issue.
No, cj, your dog don't hunt.
There are too many people in the world. Perhaps we should start a massive killing spree to stem the heards!
username wrote:Where do you get this crap, cj? You claim HSUS has nothing to do with local humane societies.
They don't. If your local on links to HSUS, it's because they are anti-hunting. That's all HSUS is about - animal rights - and they don't have any.
The overwhelming "majority" of voters you speak of in Michigan got duped by these clowns - it's not hard. You claim to be proud to be from here, yet you don't live here. I'd be willing to bet you left to get away from the incredible number of retarded voters that call Detroit home.
Just because Michigan voters don't share your particular views doesn't make them "retards", cjhsa. Actually, they don't sound half bad to me! :wink:
Then move to Detroit. Just south of 8-Mile would be perfect.
But I like where I live now. I don't want to move. But seriously, you can't just put down a whole group pf people like that because they voted differently to you on that issue.
I can put down Wayne County all I want. It has controlled and ruined the state of Michigan for as long as anyone can remember.
Nothing I say would change you mind. (Not that I'm any sort of expert on Wayne County or Michigan. Wrong country.)
Not on that issue, but on P3, it was more than just Wayne Co. It was lots of little old ladies getting duped by the animal rights HSUS org, telling them big bad hunters wanted to shoot doves off their feeders. Nothing is farther from the truth, which is, HSUS wants to ban ALL hunting, one hunt at a time, and this was an opportunity for them to get their feet in the door. Next up, they will target bow hunting of deer in Michigan. They're already trying elsewhere.
Well, let's see, where to begin. The cj loopiness level is rising so quickly.
cj says about me, "You claim to be proud to be from here, yet you don't live here. I'd be willing to bet you left to get away from the incredible number of retarded voters that call Detroit home."
Put your money where your mouth is, cj. How much you wanna bet ?
<rubs his hands in glee, I do love a sucker bet> How much, huh?
And cj calls Detroit voters "retarded". Not people he disagrees with vehemently, or people whose politics he dislikes strongly, but "retarded". And Detroit is 80% black. You got a little bit (or more than a little) of racism coming to the surface here, cj? Your credibility's plummeting fast, kid. Of course it wasn't too high to begin with, but you're right down there with W. now, buck.
69% of Michigan voters "little old ladies" who were "duped"? Nah. Maybe they thought the, what is it, 39 or 40 species of game birds you can hunt already was enough, without a deceptive stealth campaign waged to pass another one over on them (like the dove campaign). Maybe it's because Michigan, like the rest of the country is majority urban and suburban and they didn't want more drunken guys in camouflage and blaze orange zinging stray bullets or birdshot across their backyards (ever heard Da Yoopers' "Second Week of Deer Camp", cj?). "Duped"? No, they knew what they were doing. They just didn't agree with you. Like most people. Like most people in re polar bears.
And you're wrong, animals do have rights, to humane treatment, most notably. Got that, cj? "Humane treatment". That's what humane societies do. That's what Angell Memorial does, that's what HSUS does. And no they weren't all hunting-related cases as you maintain. If you'd actually read the HSUS website instead of buying sight unseen into whatever right wing blog you get your biased information from, you'd realize there's a whole lot more to them. I know Angell Memorial and I know the work they do, and Iwill trust them before I trust you any day.
username wrote:(ever heard Da Yoopers' "Second Week of Deer Camp", cj?).
That one is a classic. We did a tour around the Great Lakes, and to Green Bay and Madison a few years ago, and we stayed in Manistique. There was a diner next to the motel which had Yooper jokes, and Yooper tourist junk for sale, and, of course, tapes and cds of Da Yoopers. Great stuff--i never did see Cjhsa fitting in with those folks.
Set, the hunters in my family were my Uncle Jim and my Uncle Tom. I think Tom got two bucks in all the time I knew him, but Jim would go up to the Upper Peninsula and bag a deer every year or two. His weapon of choice was a convertible, preferably Buick or Cadillac.He totalled every one of them, but by god he got that deer.