While not entirely disagreeing with you Chai, there is a problem with your analogy.
Lack of evidence of a small purple snail is not the same thing as lack of evidence for a god that is credited with the creation of the universe and various acts of subsequent interference in said creation.
Put another way, a vast number of things previously assumed to be the work of a god turned out to have a natural explanation. Absolutely nothing has been found to suggest the involvement of any magical forces of any kind, let alone gods, and that apparent long term trend is (I assume) what Wilso is claiming as evidence.
Have to disagree with you Eorl.
You're just talking about a matter of degree.
Where do you draw the line?
People could have searching the world over for this snail, for generations, in every possible climate and place they knew of.
The discovery of a blind spot in the eye is a recent thing relatively speaking, prior to that people, if you showed them would have had no idea why that happened.
Of course one could say people where looking for the snail based on a myth, or being able to make something "disappear would seem like magic. I'm not denying that.
However, the lack of evidence for the longest time did not effect the fact they did exist.
I can agree with saying, "no evidence has been found, YET.