Bi-Polar Bear wrote:beatings.... savage beatings....
Oh god, I should have known you'd say that.
I can damned sure stop my dog from barking, but the neighbors' dogs are more difficult since the city outlawed discharging of firearms. Have you considered sleeping with a fan in the room to drown out the noise?
actually i have the satanic bible on tape humming along in the background....
Forget the collar
The collars are not all that effective. Try getting a muzzle and putting it on her at night.
Have you tried whiskey ? I've read that it can be a powerful sleep aid. If it doesn't work at first, just gradually increase the dosage until it does. If that fails, try giving a little to the dog.
Is the dog outside? Beagles bark at every little noise or motion. Bring him in and let him sleep on in your room or one of the kid's rooms.
Green Witch wrote:Is the dog outside? Beagles bark at every little noise or motion. Bring him in and let him sleep on in your room or one of the kid's rooms.
She arks inside or out... of course right now she's sleeping like a baby.... little bitch.
As long as you have the satanic bible in the background, maybe you can conjure up a pentagram that shuts up all dogs within several miles. Have you tried that yet?
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:yeah but I didn't want the dog or do anything to get it....
Maybe the dog doesn't like you.