Sat 2 Jun, 2007 08:57 am
Bi-Polar Jr. as many of you know has non tractable seizure disorder and nothing controls his seizures. He is about to enter a new trial program at UNC so as always we hope, but we're no longer that optimistic and have sort of resigned ourselves to this problem as a permanent one, even as we go down every road to fix it.
Yesterday I took him to his mom for a weekend visit and he had a major Grand Mal seizure in line at the grocery store. Some women jumped in and laid hands on him and started speaking in tongues and praying which kind of freaked my ex out and they told her they were down from Michigan and assured her they now realized the Lord had brought them there to pray over Stephen and that Stephen would never again have another seizure.
Over dinner last night squinney and I realized and agreed that was easier to believe than it was to believe that gwb would wake up today with a changed heart and stop the war immediately. We agreed that it was certainly as possible as anything else but weirdly we also agreed that although if it happened and we would be grateful and acknowledge the source of Stephen's cure it would not cause any great change in our general religious beliefs. I believe in God and I believe that Yaweh and esus and allah and whoever are all the same entity and I believe this entity could certainly come on down and cure my boy if He wanted to, but that's not how He works by and large.
Re: Jesus To Cure My Son's Seizures
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Bi-Polar Jr. as many of you know has non tractable seizure disorder and nothing controls his seizures. He is about to enter a new trial program at UNC so as always we hope, but we're no longer that optimistic and have sort of resigned ourselves to this problem as a permanent one, even as we go down every road to fix it.
Yesterday I took him to his mom for a weekend visit and he had a major Grand Mal seizure in line at the grocery store. Some women jumped in and laid hands on him and started speaking in tongues and praying which kind of freaked my ex out and they told her they were down from Michigan and assured her they now realized the Lord had brought them there to pray over Stephen and that Stephen would never again have another seizure.
Over dinner last night squinney and I realized and agreed that was easier to believe than it was to believe that gwb would wake up today with a changed heart and stop the war immediately. We agreed that it was certainly as possible as anything else but weirdly we also agreed that although if it happened and we would be grateful and acknowledge the source of Stephen's cure it would not cause any great change in our general religious beliefs. I believe in God and I believe that Yaweh and esus and allah and whoever are all the same entity and I believe this entity could certainly come on down and cure my boy if He wanted to, but that's not how He works by and large.
If that belief helps you, then more power to ya and I wish only the best for you and squinney and your son.
However, if you truly believe in god, allah and the like, then you must also believe that that higher power gave man here on earth the brainpower to come up with new and improved medicines everyday that just may help your son.
When my son was diagnosed with Crohn's disease and his body wasn't absorbing nutrients and he lost 70 lbs and looked terribly sick, I didn't pray; I took him to the best pediatric gastroenterologist in the state, and got him healthy again.
If there is some entity that could come down, "if HE wanted" then why in God's name (pun intended) would he let starving babies die in Third World countries? Why would He let people blow each other up in His name? - but I digress.
Keep on seeing doctors. There is some young doctor or scientist somewhere, right now, who may one day have the knowledge and ability to cure your son. Read medical journals, websites and ask questions about new meds coming on the market.
Oh yeah, tell your ex not to give any money to babbling women from Michigan who make nonsense promises.
haapycat, I get the I'm backwards because I used the word He reference. :wink:
All these years posting on these forums do you seriously think I would substitute a belief in the power of the laying on of hands and speaking in tongues for medical science? Do you think you need to guide me that way or I'll start handling snakes to cure my son or something?
People who are smug in the superiority of their disbelief are as tiresome as the right wing religious fanatics.
Best not to be either one.
There have been rare cases of spontaneous healing, some of it ascribed to specific religions, so, I have to say, even an atheist can be with you on this one.
Whoa. That's crazy.
Not necessarily their beliefs and all. The fact that he was in the middle of a Grand Mal seizure and they figured it would be a good idea to barge in there and get in the way!
Sometimes I watch a religious program on t.v. Well, yesterday they had a couple on who told a story of helping a girl with her anorexia after nothing else had worked. The wife is a country gospel singer, the hubby drives and started preaching along the way.
It was funny because the hubby said he got upset at her and told her she needed to stop. She had invited them to her house for dinner of all things. He then lead her to accepting jesus into her heart. The story goes that she got and remained well.
They strongly believe that coming to know Jesus is the way to roll. They also seemed like genuinely decent people. Non pushy, no laying of hands or preaching where and when they were not asked. Just going about their business with their own beliefs, you know?
I did start thinking that maybe their faith does help them in helping people. Whether because it is god or jesus working through them, or simply the fact that they listen and people can really feel deep down that they care, relate and are moved by their humanity.
Faith does seem to have its value and it doesn't have to be rooted in one specific thing. Just keeping hope alive and keeping trying with an emphasis on positive results.
I like and admire that squinney and yourself keep going no matter what. Maybe your expectations have changed but the hope is clearly still there to keep trying.
Sorry to say that I disagree with you that the credit if things did turn out in the end as the 'faith healers' spoke should go to them or the stars or whatever.
A lot of it can only be attributed to yalls humanity and love for your kid. The pure determination and openness to see opportunities where there seems there may not be any.
But if thanking stars or jesus works, then who am I to say?
I hope Stephen is feeling better today.
Say thank you to the women but stick with your doctors.
The bible gives no reason to put faith in spiritual healers as the gifts of healing and tongues were meant to aid the growth of the early church and were to disappear as the bible canon was completed. (See 1Corinthians 13:8)
If you believe the bible, that is.
Re: Jesus To Cure My Son's Seizures
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:...Some women jumped in and laid hands on him and started speaking in tongues and praying...
Reason # 543 why I'll never move to North Carolina.
The one year I lived in NC was the best year of my life. Chapel Hill is one of my most favorite places on this planet.
Anyhow, that has nothing to do with people speaking in tongues. My ex (and that's a big part of the reason why he's an ex) was from a Pentacoastal family. His father had a life-changing experience. He had a spine cord injury. Couldn't walk. Doctors gave him no chance. According to the ex- he was taken to the church and people prayed for him for three days. He walked out of there and became a pastor. And been a party to many miracles in his life.
I don't understand it. I can't wrap my brain around it and make myself believe that it would be possible. But hey, who am I to scoff at their experience? I just accept it as something that's 'beyond me', but I have no disrespect for people who 'speak in tongues'.
Re: Jesus To Cure My Son's Seizures
kickycan wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:...Some women jumped in and laid hands on him and started speaking in tongues and praying...
Reason # 543 why I'll never move to North Carolina.
No fear. They were just visiting from Michigan.
actually, Stephen has for years taken valium after a seizure to prevent clusters and without the valium he'll have a bunch in a row. In order to participate in this new drug study he has had to come off the valium to establish a base line. For the first time I can ever remember, without the valium he has not has had another seizure.
Miraculous healing day one proceeds sucessfully. Cool.
Kicky reason 544 you won't move to NC. We passed a law last year stating we had reached our quota of know it all WOP yankees. Pass the word along at your next family reunion will ya? And stop touching your cousin.
I was only messin' around. But seriously, you guys have to admit that NC has a relatively large population of religious wackos.
OK, I'll leave now. Carry on...
I am a native of New York City--and not only was i born there, but i have visited for both short and extended periods of time in the last 50+ years.
I also have many times visited North Carolina and lived there for a few years. My experience is that when it comes to whackos, religious or otherwise, New York cedes nothing to North Carolina.
I'll pray for Bear Jr.
When I was a teen; 2 friends of mine lifted the back end of a Plymouth Satellite off a third who'd been trapped underneath when the car fell off the jack. Successive tests proved beyond a reasonable doubt that they were nowhere near strong enough to have done so; but they did it nonetheless (without injury to boot). One need not be able to understand a phenomenon for it to be true. I wish young BPB the best of luck.
That's called an adrenalin rush, Wild Bill.
Bear, you would be surprised what the sense of touch can do for the ill. There is something other than cultism at play here. The body responds in a positive way to the tactile sense. Please send my love to your hero.
kickycan wrote:I was only messin' around. But seriously, you guys have to admit that NC has a relatively large population of religious wackos.
OK, I'll leave now. Carry on...
and you realize I was just messin' back right Kick?
We have protestant religious nuts that get caught with hookers. In your neck of the woods you have priests who get caught blowing and f**king altar boys. Who's to judge on the wacko factor?
Ha! You definitely have a point there.
let me bring you up to speed... I'm one of the last few princes walking the earth... women want me... men want to be's a burden i tell you, a burden...