Charli, thanks for adding some thoughts. Actually I have looked at Phoenix previously and thought well, the idea is good but..yeah..still time on campus, dont know if they'll accept all my college credits, and no real Professional Life Credit well as being expensive for night courses I just got the feeling it wasnt as detailed as I wanted. That whole having a group to meet with outside of class just never know who you'll end up with and I wont put part of my education and grades in the hands of someone else...just cant do it I dont think.
As far as accreditation, they have it. When I get to the Masters End of it it looks like I may have to go for a bit but, perhaps I can see how the schedule runs and fit that in some good way...if there be one that is. Other than that, it looks like I just need to stop in for a one on one at some point and maybe I can finagle a weekend or late night since its not all that far away...I dont know. babbling.

I think the undergrad program for life credits has to be taken before anything over two semesters and is something like 30 credits max. Doesnt sound so bad and is less than 1K so, its doable and could at least be a start. However, it looks like I have to sign on board before they let me do that, so I cant just do it to get it over with. Still waiting to get full pricing on the rest of it.
If I could not work and go back to school, this would have been done already

Right now Im looking at getting the Life credit and bachelors in 18 months while working so, I dont know...still researching.
All the comments help though...makes me certain Im thinking correctly.
Which brings me to the whole logic problems....
so've been a tutor for this eh???
One of my friends just had prep for her Bachelors and RN testing that she said helped her a great deal, even though she was going full thoughts would be...I should probably think of that as well expecially since Id be doing this while working and life and all that.