Already done that, a monument that is, not a statue, but it covers the intention quite well and to my satisfaction.
Do you want a picture of it sometime?
if it makes you feel better
the person below me polishes the monument everyday
Don't be stupid it takes up an area in excess of four and a half acres.
The person below me wishes she took the time to depress the clutch before thrusting the car in first gear.
First gear?
the person below me is having a terrible time these days
He isn't. he's been working hard this morning and put a couple of young fellows through a strenuous fitness programme.
The person below me is holding onto a six-pack.

get real
the person below me is wondering if there's an experiece he hasn't experienced
{He is fully aware there are many things he has left to do , that is why he is presently getting to a high level of fitness for the end of this year, and he is pushing himself like crazy}
The person below me has never been down a Vietnamese war tunnel.
the person below me is planning to visit one
I have experienced them in the past, January 1990 to be precise.
The person below me thinks life is a bowl of cherries and that it would be simple to control this planet of ours and it's inhabitants.
the person below me really thinks that i don't know what life is like
The person below me has travelled the globe and is familiar with a broad perspective of life in several countries throughout the planet.
Haven't travelled much in a physical sense... but do know enough about life in other countries...
the person below me finds it difficult to adopt to a different lifestyle... different to the one he's used to...
False....He simply has no desire or need to adopt to a different lifestyle.
The person below me, thinks she is reasonably well versed to make a living in any country on the planet.
true... just not my own :wink:
the person below me knows that it takes more then just qualifications, experience and desires to make a living....
The person below me is joining me on an eight week working vacation in the Cambodian mine fields.
sounds interesting... wish i really could
the person below me is looking for some ancient treasure
The person below me understands I am approved to search.
yeah! I also approve myself all the time!
the person below me knows it's a lost cause
The person below me understands I can speak to witch Doctors, Shaymen, and medicine men, there is always hope for her.
the person below me understands how troubling and annoying proffessional beggers are sometimes