JLN, you do get right to the gist of the matter. Some things have a life of their own...
Bear, now you have me thinking of Carl Rove and his ability to levitate certain parts of his body whenever his political machinations are on display. ACK!!!
cyphercat wrote:Diane wrote:Dasha, how could you post that pic of the shrub with his damn moose knuckle? Ack, nightmares for me tonight.
Oh, Jeeeez! Thanks a lot-- I would NEVER have looked......down there.......if you hadn't said that!

Man, of all the stomach-turning things I've seen on the 'nets that I wish I had never seen, that about takes the cake...
I just realized what you were talking about (it took me awhile- idiot emoticon< me)
but that is hilarious
Diane wrote:Dasha, how could you post that pic of the shrub with his damn moose knuckle? Ack, nightmares for me tonight.
it kinda makes me feel sorry for laura shrub
no wonder she is so up tight.
TTH, your mind must not be dirty. :wink:
Shewolf, I know your mind is as dirty.
Now you know why Laura used to smoke so much. Don't know how she kicked the habit, gawd knows the shrub hasn't gotten any, uh, er, well, sexier, if he ever was which seems highly unlikely, not even when he was 18 and horny. The smirk, you know.
I do on occasion have my mind in the gutter probably more than it should be
The thought of the President's uh whatever isn't even appealing to me so it never crossed my mind.
And that's the problem, TTH, when it is pointed out, it is so revolting that you can't get it out of your mind.
Somebody post something beautiful or funny. Please!!! Oh yuck!
Oh GAWD, I'll never be the same. EEEUUUUUUWWWWW!!!!!
that was worth it......... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the belly laugh....................
Been browsing through a whole bunch of old threads for someone and ran across this one.
Thought I'd bump it up for folks to revisit...
Lots of good times remembered.