sozobe wrote:I have far fewer problems with "relief" than "delight."
Then we're on the same wavelength about the death of almost all bastards other than Falwell.
I guess one reason why I'm less inhibited in Falwell's case is that theologically conservative Christians have this talent for making their conversation partners feel rude about not thinking as they do, and saying it openly.
For example, my friends in St. Louis belong to a conservative branch of Lutheranism, the Missouri Synod, and one of their community pastors stands out as theologically conservative even within this branch. One thing that struck me about this pastor was how frequently in the conversation he set you up so you either had to make a complete arsehole of yourself or agree with him: that abortion is murder, or that in the beginning, 6000 years ago, god created the heaven and the earth, or that women must submit to their husbands, or some other item on the conservative Christian checklist.
The first couple of times this happened, I did fall into the trap of nodding and agreeing with the pastor. Then I decided to stick to my guns after all and spoke my mind, whether or not it sounded rude. This created one more "sounding like an arsehole moment": "Yesterday you said X, now you're saying the opposite. You need to work on your honesty, Thomas." But after this moment, I could once again talk religion without losing my sanity and my self-respect. After this experience and similar ones, I just stopped caring about sounding rude when religious doctrine and its peddlers are involved.
I guess that carried over to Falwell's death.