Have checked every word Tuesday, the only ones connected to our clue are, 45, 46 and 47. Might have to toss a coin for either "velarized" or "velarizes"
May Crossword Club
I agree Dutchy, I had the same result. Think I will go with velarizes as it seems to be more present tense than velarised. Won't post for a couple of days in case there is more input.
Tuesday have a look at the "English" thread under correct word, another intriguing answer from Clary, she is a grammar expert! Where do we go from here?
May Crossword Club
Good morning Dutchy
Yes interesting answer from Clary, but you have to wonder if the compilers of Crossword Club are as grammatically correct as she is. Who knows?????
Hi Tuesday
We'll know the answer next month, will keep a close watch for it. By the way what do you have for 13d in 'Top Hat" - The Ottoman Turkish court and Government? I have e?r?p
May Crossword Club
Hi Dutchy
for 13d (top hat) i have etrop or porte backwards. Thanks for all your help with sharpen your wits it's been interesting I will wait until Friday and then I'm posting mine with velarises unless something pops up in the meantime.
Thanks Tuesday, have completed the lot now, except that "Sharpen Your Wits" one.
Will keep at it a little longer.
Regards Dutchy.
May Crossword Club
Well done Dutchy, I will put the S in and seal the envelope. It's been fun working this out with your help. Nothing like a bit of a challenge. Regards.
Hi Tuesday
I'm going to put in a 'd' as the compiler now indicates a 'past tense'.
May Crossword Club
OK Dutchy a D it is, I guess I was just happy clue had been resolved wasn't thinking about tense.
Good luck Tuesday, you'll probably win it now.
May Crossword Club
Can anyone help me with the answer to May Crossword Club - Sharpen Your Wits - 26a Earrings with a Pendant. The clues I have are -a-d-e-s. As far as I know all the clues are correct.
Hi Spunk
You asked this question questerday also on another thread, it was then answered by two people!
The answere is "eardrops"
Hope this helps.
Dutchy wrote:Hi Spunk
You asked this question questerday also on another thread, it was then answered by two people!
The answere is "eardrops"
Hope this helps.
Thanks Dutchy
This is my first attempt to use this web site and it is all very new to me. I did not find the previous answers so will have to try looking. I really appreciate your help and will promise to try and get better at this.
No problems spunk, I had a feeling you lost your first posting, easily done first up. Here is the reference if you want to have a look:
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 7:12 pm Post: 2669525 - May Crossword Club
Click on "your posts" lift top corner of posts and you will get all your posts. Good luck.
Thanks a lot for all your help. I had apparently been spelling another word incorrectly. No doubt will catch you again for the June Crossword Club - they certainly make them hard and keep your brain working