JustBrooke wrote:Montana wrote:kickycan wrote:Ah, springtime. Makes me want to screw something.
Yeah, me too
Omg .....I'm not alone! I've been thinkin of that ALL day!
In the 70's here today. The warmer it gets outside .....the warmer I get! :wink:
Hi Montana! Dang girl......long time no see!! Good to see you!!
Here's a butterfly bush. I have them all over the place. My gawd I love em. They are so purdy. AND if you love butterflies.....they attract em like magnets!
Hey Brookie :-D What's shakin? Great to see ya! I've been doing lots of home improvements since I was laid off and as beautiful as it's been outside the past few days, I'm still working inside.
As it gets warmer, of course I'll have to get my but out there and enjoy the fresh air.
So, it's not just me that gets all crazy horny in the spring. Phew! I thought it was just part of my weirdness
What a beautiful bush! I love butterflies so now butterfly bushes are on my agenda of outdoor things.
Beautiful bush and I absolutely love butterflies, so that's one bush that's gonna end up in my yard.