msolga wrote:From all the recent reports I have read or heard, the AIDS/HIV message has for some reason lost it's impact dramatically over recent years. People (especially young people) are apparently not following prescribed "safe sex" practices. This appears (from many recent media reports I've heard) to be causing great concern amongst health professionals. Yes Oz was indeed a success story, but apparently a lot of ground has been lost since that early ad campaign.
John Howard, to my knowledge, has made few (if any at all!) public statements about HIV concerns prior till now. Which other migrants could he possibly be referring to? Surely, if his newly found "concerns" are to be taken seriously, he needs to tackle the issue in a much more determined way, across the whole of Oz society? This is certainly not happening. At the moment it's just talk on his part. No action at all.
I'm not sure about what you mean by the "Victorian hooha".
Yes, AIDS messages HAVE lost impact....I suspect this is due to the intensity of campaigns having become less, plus they just don't see lots of people dying, as our generation did.
I don't get what you think this has to do with Howard's comments?
Has he decreased funding in Oz to educate people?
The Victorian hooha, was about concerns expressed about the number of new people with AIDS moving to Victoria, which created some kind discussion in your state.
I caught the end of an ABC radio discussion about that, which seemed to be suggesting that a lot of these "new" cases are not new at all, but are Australians moving to Victoria, with already diagnosed disease, who, when they report for medical care in your state, get tested again as part of their general care.
My sense (and I can't find anything really detailed about the whole interview) is that Howard was asked about letting people with HIV in as a result of the discussion about the "new" cases in Victoria.
While I know that a lot of people who are HIV positive trying to migrate here will be African and Asian, I really think it is a leap (in this case) to say that Howard is inspired by racism.
He may well be inspired by prejudice against people with HIV, and I agree there is a huge issue re equity and compassion about decreasing the number of people with HIV being allowed to immigrate. I would oppose policy change re that.
I repeat, however, that the facts are that this government's policy has been especially welcoming of African refugees, having trageted a number of countries where the situation is especially horriffic. I also note that African leaders have acknowledged this, while saying the comments are racist.
They may be.....I can't read the man's mind re this, but I do not see that there is much evidence of that, except the sad reality about where AIDS is most prevalent.
I haven't heard about him supporting Alan Jones, by the way.
Can you recall what he said, off the top of your head?