Wed 11 Apr, 2007 05:58 am
There's so many environmental groups that are opposed to genetically modified food. Can anyone give an explanation as to exactly WHAT is their opposition based on? I've been waiting to hear it for several years.
There are a couple of arguments against it.
1. Genetically modified crops are patented. That means the farmers can't save the seeds from one season and plant them the next without violating that patent and the contract they signed. This is the biggie in the 3rd world where subsistence farming could benefit from GM crops but they can't afford to buy seed every year.
2. Genetically modified crops eliminate diversity and natural resistence to disease and bugs. If everyone is planting the same crop, it becomes susceptible to a natural disaster that would wipe out the entire crop.
3. Genetically modified crops can affect the ecosystem. The biggest argument that comes to mind has been how GM crops have killed Monarch butterflies.
Here are some other arguments
GM crops could contribute to the creation of super weeds by cross pollinating with wild plants of the same species.
long term effects of GM?
and..with respect to what's happening to pet food industry and the flawed and/or inconsistent testing that is seen in the ENTIRE food industry...
Who and how will GM crops be tested for human to short and long term effects?
I, for one, don't want to have more than one head growing. The one that I have is burden enough!
Also, irradiated foods fit into this type of crop/food modification. The nuclear industry is ready and willing to put long shelf-life food on your shelf. The more foods they can get you accepting in your refrigerator and cabinets, the more spent nuclear fuel they can offload instead of storing in expensive underground bunkers.
I'm not interested in seeing and letting lifegiving nutrients altered for the convenience and profit. Food and soil is altered and reduced enough already to concern me about seeing us humans get hit with an onslaught of carcinogenic and teratogenic (birth-defect causing) agents.
They have added insecticide to the genes of the crop thus the name 'genetically modified'. Not sure how that would affect humans in the long run. Could wreak havoc to the genes of humans. We have enough going to cause cancer which is a disease of the DNA. Chemicals, radiation, virus, bacteria,etc. are agents that cause degradation of the DNA.