Fri 11 Jul, 2003 09:40 pm
On how many days Did God create somthing during creation week and can man do without any of these creations.
We're between a rock and a hard place. He evidently created man in his own image. Zow-weee~! With sex organs and all...... ci.
At this point in time, we really don't know how long the "week of creation" in Genesis was.
Here's another scientific observation to chew on. It seems that astronomers have found the oldest known planet, a huge gaseous object almost three times as old as earth and nearly as old as the universe. They say it is evidence that planets began appearing billions of years earlier than previously thought and may be more abundant. I'm not sure where this places the creation of the universe in the bible, because their claim is that it took gas and dust of intersellar space to create planets. They also say that the planet was found with a gorup of extremely ancient stars known as a globular star cluster, and this cluster is 7,200 light-years from earth. c.i.
New Haven,
The week of creation was a week. Many Creation-through-evolution people try to say the days were symbolic and that each day represented more, like millions of years an age or such.
The problem is that according to the Bible plants and such were created the day before the sun.
They could survive a day, but not millions of years without the sun.
cicerone imposter wrote:We're between a rock and a hard place. He evidently created man in his own image. Zow-weee~! With sex organs and all...... ci.
He as the Creator? What about a she as the Creator?
Craven de Kere
I agree regarding the 24 hours days of creation of this world many try to befog the story or demish the power of God in saying the days of creation were thousands or even millions of years old, as you say the plants and animals just could not with stand 500 years of llight or 500 years of darkness. It is very clear our creator set up the seven day cycle at creation and also observed it in his example while here on earth.
New Haven
You might want to note that when our Creator appeared on earth for a time he was a man.
Isn't there a passage in the bible that says something like, "god rested on the seventh day?" If we're talkin' symbolism for the seven days, he sure rested a very long time - millions of years? c.i.
how tired does a god get?
He's got an awful big butt to rest, I should imagine.
it's no wonder the world went to pot. you know what happens when there's no supervision.
It appears that God did rest from his creative work however he did take the time and look back over what he had done in the past week and said it was very good. If we could also take the time to look back over our works in the past week and try to correct them in the comming week maybe this would be a better world.
um, being a god i would have assumed he/she already knew whether it was good or not.
If it was declared "very good" by god, it sure made Satan happy! He had a field day......
Mosquitoes and small pox certainly don't seem very good to the uninitiated.
The world we now live in is not the one that was frist created for man to live in.
"Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, in the beginning.
Man gave names to al the animals
In the beginning, long time ago.
He saw an animal as smooth as glass
Slihtering his way through the grass
Saw him disappear by a tree near a lake...."