mctag :
the scots had great influence in the development of canadian commerce . they were particularly prominent in the shipping trade (no surprise there) , banking , railways , lumber and also the life insurance industry . many actuaries came out of the scottish actuarial system .
i'll never forget my first encounter with a crusty old scottish actuary .
i was one of the (relatively) young fellows at the life insurance company that paid our mortgage - and pays my pension now
at the annual meeting i was assigned to keep one of the consulting actuaries well supplied with "refreshments" :wink: .
i noticed the level in his glass lowering surprisingly quickly and asked :
" a refill , sir ? ' . he just nodded not saying a word . "scotch , sir ? " ;
he nodded again . "any ice , sir ? " - BIG MISTAKE !
"bloody hell , there is too much water in this already" , he said .
i slunk off to get him a pure one . now he started smiling and we had a nice long chat .
he told me that in his opinion teetotallers should not be sold life insurance because he didn't think those people had enough "character" ! :wink: