Echi, Snood, I actually think this is a really interesting question and this seemed very honest:
snood wrote:...Things I could personify with any human-like personality traits...
I guess after all the personal classifications and sub-divisions have been made, killing an ant compared with a dog comes down to indifference. I'm not sure I can force myself to feel worse for killing an ant compared with a dog. I try, at all times, to see life as just that, life, no matter the circumstance. So while I might get over killing an ant fairly quickly in truth, I impose my own morals on respecting that ant at it's most base classification, life. What I perceive as life probably has something to do with perceived animation or a certain level of complex randomness. The universe knows no such ethical dilemma of course so this is just my own stipulation.
Maybe it's theoretical rather than practical in a sense given my lack of feeling with regards to insects compared to mammals, I'm not so much acting out of direct stimulation (i.e. seeing a dog whimper or the idea of a dog whimpering) but through a thought process that seems more critical than emotional (Of course we still react to insects I guess, just not on the same level). I just think, rather than elevating the ant or demoting the human, you're really just leveling everything out, seeing the connections amongst all things that Buddhists do. I often wonder if, in the future, we'll see more moral shifts with regards to plants etc.