Not without sacrifice.
It is my view that:
a) Human nature is evil.
b) A utopia is without evil.
Ergo, in order to have a utopia, one must remove human nature.
This can be done in many ways, examples of which can be taken from science fiction.
In "A Brave New World", all suffering is taken away. Suffering is part of human nature. To live a life without suffering is to not live at all.
In "Equilibrium", emotion is taken away. Emotion is part of human nature. To live a life without emotion is to not live at all.
Some stories go so far as to remove human beings themselves, and replace them with more perfect beings, such as transgenics or androids.
Note that "human nature" can be replaced with "humanity" to the same end.
One might argue that human nature is required for a utopia, therefore creating a paradox where a utopia is indeed impossible, for a utopia requires human nature and lack of evil, but human nature is evil. If this is the case, what we are left with in the examples are dystopias.
What do you think?