Wed 7 Mar, 2007 12:53 pm
I have PM's backed up in my "Sentbox" since mid-January. Does this mean they have never been picked up?
It should.
I have one that's been there since January, too (hey, Osso!), I think right around then is when things were most goofy and I think the "you have a PM" notifications weren't happening. Maybe send another to the backed-up people and ask if they got the one that is in your sent box. It's possible they just overlooked it.
Really? I thought your sent box contains the ones that have been picked up. It's your outbox that holds the pending ones.
JPB wrote:Really? I thought your sent box contains the ones that have been picked up. It's your outbox that holds the pending ones.
Truth lies with the lotus.
Om mane padme om.
Answered too fast. JPB is quite right.
I've got mid-January messages in both.
I'm not being ignored, I'm the victim of a humiliating conspiracy. This is a comforting thought.
The one that's stubbornly stayed in my Outbox is from January 25th.
(As in, take everything I said in my first post and just replace "Outbox" for "Sentbox", and vice versa.)
You can always aim an entire thread at the person who has not picked up your message. I did and it worked!
Is Gus Trying To Make Us Believe He Is Popular?
Soz...and BPB...and wandel--
The Outbox Problem is at the top of my To Do list for tomorrow.