Why can't you just let people get on with what they like doing best, Mac, without moaning. It's not often we get a chance to see them in harmless mode.
Did you see Mr Obarmy take that long flight of steps. Something must come over him when he sees steps. It's the opposite of what comes over me. Do you think She Who Must Be Obeyed looked anything like those ladies from the upper strata of the Mandela clan? I had always imagined her something like Raquel Welch. Did you peg a King Twala anywhere?
Once I'd seen that I switched to Race Day Live. There's some headbangers on view in that. I realised when nobbut knee-high to a grasshopper what fools horses and donkeys can make of us humans when my Mum took me to the big agricultural show we had every year. The gymkhanas were best. Young girls in jodhpurs on ponies going round a course with a pole six inches off the ground resting on two sandbags every so often.
Even now I can't imagine a school with girls in it. We kept well clear of girls.
We might still do I suppose if it wasn't for that mysterious charm they have learned to cast over us when the biologically determined process known colloquially as "puberty"--for simplicities sake--rolls out and impales us to a cross.
I watch the faces of the horses a lot. I try to figure out what their expression says about what they are thinking. I love to watch a loose horse keeping up with the others and going around the outside of the fences. I once saw one leap the perimeter fence into a well-kept suburban back garden and just stand there on the lawn in utter confusion. Everybody has seen a cat look confused when the mouse or the bird escapes.
When you have to be patient and not abled to get up things that amuse you is when the most amusing things occur.
Horses don't know they are racing. They have no idea where they are or what they are doing. A system has been arranged called The Handicapper so that every horse in training, excepting Frankel, gets a good few whippings. Which imitate a swarm of angry bees. One American jockey was caught with an electric whip.
A horse wins its first race easily without the whip being applied. What do the fuckers do? They give it 10lbs more to carry next time out. Its owners, who love it of course, eyeing up another £30 grand, enter it.
So the bigger the monkeys horses make us look the better I like it. Such as a bloke spending a frosty Sunday morning cleaning out the stables in which his daughter's have spent the night and then fixing a trailer to his car to fetch some more bales of hay.