Quote:What's your position, Mac, on the fracking in East-Sussex.
Well it's a complex question innit, but simple at bottom.
Everyone wants to be able to switch on the kettle and make a cup of tea, as cheaply as possible. And they don't really care much how the energy companies get the job done, until it gets uncomfortably close to home.
People hope something will be done, by others, to stop global warming, but no politician wants (or dares) to deliberately slow the economy.
Everyone realises that we cannot just continue to burn fossil fuels until it is all gone; but no-one will face formulating an alternative.
To answer your question, I think the hydrocarbons under East Sussex should be left in the ground, and that the cost of fuel (if that is a result, which I presume it will be) should be allowed to rise.
Why is East Sussex different from the oil shale in Alaska, for instance? Well it isn't really. But we should protect what countryside we have left. And I don't think Alaska should be strip-mined for oil shale either, even if only elk and caribou live there.