thanks dutchy
looks like I'll have to add another crownie at the black stump!
Good luck with your entry also.
Thank you Conorbear, you're welcome to join me for a drink.
The way I think of a2k is that it shows that there are people doing the
same crosswords all over Australia, NZ and overseas and if any of
us can help another, then it is all worth it.
I think the communal help is much better than getting an answer
to a rotton clue that is giving you grief and people like Dutchy
and Lezzles and the others just give us all so much help when
we need it.
I have a warning for you all. My hard drive crashed last Saturday
and although I was told that it could be saved, it wasn't, and I lost
all of my pictures (yes, I should have put them on a disc, I know that now), I even lost my favourites and contacts so I now have to start anew.
I do still have your list Dutchy so I am very thankful for that, it did save
my special e-mails in my folder so I will have to feed it all in again.
Anyway, all the best to you all, I am still doing the Demon, just had lots
of other stuff to do but have finished everything else in THE BIG.
Warmest Regards
have to
Hi Dutchy
I am catching up to you in posts,
I am only 40,708 behind you now!
You are always such a wise, giving
person to us all and I don't think
you get thanked enough, so consider
this a thank you from us all. And you
too Lezzles, you get all of the thanks
too (oops, had to go back and put the
h in thanks or you would just be getting
all of the tanks!!
I have the same answers as Dutchy who normally has the right answers.
And Farkha, you also are wise and have helped
me with many answers, where would we be
without all of you, there are too many of you
to list but you know who you are........everyone
that takes part in this are all wonderful
people......and we all love Lovatts and have the same
goals.......some people class us as boring because
we do crosswords, you know!
Shame on them!!!
Warmest regards to everyone
The march DEMON
I'm having a bit of trouble in the TRH corner: any ideas on 12 Ac, 13Dn, 14Dn and 21Ac ?
And does anyone have any idea about the Spanish peer (77 Ac) ? G_O_D_ _
Hi artdba
Welcome to a2k, you'll find many helpers here.
12a = swiftest
13d = welshed
14d = figment
21a = clogging
77a = grandee.
Someone else will propably confirm above.
Hope this helps.
Thanks farkha. Have a nice day.
March Bigcash
Would appreciate help with 55 down
Improved the flow of = S?r?a?e?ned
many thanks
81 A is CORRAL
good luck!
March Bigcash
Thank you so much,
I had the wrong answer for 81a - Horse enclosure
All finished now ready for posting
Hi Valda
I can confirm conorbear's submission.
Hi, Conorbear, Dutchy is correct, the word is mustier.
Can anyone help me with 28 ,31& 55 down. Also 48 across. Thank you.
Hi Webber
Welcome to a2k. When you do a posting, give as much information as possible as not everybody in this forum reads Lovatts.
Always give the clue, how many letters for the word and any letters you may already have. You will then almost always get a reply. Now I have for:
28d = denarii
31d = inlay
55d = speleothems
48a = churned
Hope this helps.
lovatts crossword

i stumbled across this site while trying to work out the lovatts answer 'palatiae'. most of the crosswords i don't have a problem with except the demon. i need help just like you. i also use a site called one across. you put in the clue and the pattern for your answers, question marks included. it may help in the future. keep puzzling.