Thu 22 Feb, 2007 07:09 pm
So my daughter has three friends in from out of town. They went up north yesterday to their Nana's (summer) home, and one of the girls walked in and immediately said "Is there a spirit here?".
She's 16, never been there before, and had no idea that my wife's father passed there in 2001, shortly after 9/11...
I investigate stuff like this. With recordings, pictures and videos. The stuff I have gotten are amazing.
I can't believe what you can hear on a recorder when you are alone and taping. I played it back the first time and ran in fear.
Now people have me come to their houses and check it out. I love it.
He died of cancer, and spent the last year of his life in bed, in the room next to the front door, which was converted back to an office after he died. The office is decorated with his old stuff.
I definitely believe that the soul can linger or visit. I've said it a bunch of times before....if we are nothing but energy and matter and energy can't be destroyed, where does our energy go when our physical matter decomps?
I think some people are more in tune than others.
One time I recorded some vocals in a room with concrete walls and many strange angles and corners. When listening to the playback I was scared for a moment, because behind my voice were many other voices, some sounding inhuman. It was, of course, only the reverberations from the hard walls bouncing back into the microphone.
One time I was doing a recordng of an instrument that plays really soft, so I turned the mic sensitivity way up. When I listened afterwards I realized I had recorded the sounds of my neighbors having sex in the next apartment.
Yup.. There's no end to the strange things one gets to hear when recording alone... :wink:
And if you turn the volume way up on one of the first albums of Pink Floyd (cannot remember which one) you can hear the beatles recording the album Revolver in the silences between the songs. They were recording in another room in the same studio. (It has to be an original vinyl record, not the remastered stuff).