Now i understand. In theology, it is the condition of sin that marks all humans as a result of Adam's first act of disobedience, so in communist theology, the act of stealing the people's money to start a capitalist enterprise could be called original sin. But the Christian original sin is just an idea, it doesn't refer to an actual act that a real person actually committed. Also, it is inherited by children from their parents. (I know this sounds whacky, but that's religion for you.) Does this mean that the worship of money is now China's official religion?
I see this is very topical in China. Last November, Hu Deping, the deputy chief of the united front department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) central committee, called for a halt to the popular campaign that seeks to force mainland China's new class of capitalists, most of whom acquired their initial wealth from embezzling the state sector, to return their ill-gotten gains for the public benefit.
Hu is the eldest son of Hu Yaobang, the CPC general secretary whose sudden death in April 1989 triggered the students' and workers' anti-graft protests in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, the regime's suppression of which led to the massacres on June 4-5 of that year.
The CPC regime's deliberate drive since 1992 to restore capitalism across all of China has been built on the widespread looting of state assets by government and party officials, their relatives and cronies. On the ideological front, the new capitalists are assisted energetically by an influential group of neoliberal economists and other intellectuals who have privileged access to China's mass media.
The restoration process, however, has come at a high cost to most workers and peasants, who in recent years have advocated a more systematic effort to investigate where the initial capital of the new capitalists came from, and that if it came from the illegal appropriation of public assets, to have it returned.
Opponents of the neoliberals have likened this seed capital to "the first bucket of gold" and those who got it as bearing "original sin".
Is it true you could go to prison for reading this in China?