Tue 30 Jan, 2007 07:28 am
Recently, I kicked up my security controls on my computer a notch or so.
When I am A2K, and want to post a URL, I get a message "The website is using a scripted window to ask you for information. If you trust this website, click here to allow scripted windows".
Fair enough. If I want more security, I have to put up with some machinations. When I click on the message, I get a message saying "Temporarily allow scripted windows".
Now, on other sites, the message gives you a choice, either to allow scripted windows "temporarily" or "always". If I click "always" I never have to bother with these messages on that particular site.
On A2K, there is only one choice, so I have to go through the rigamarole each time that I want to post a URL or a picture. Now I trust A2K. Why is my security center not giving me the choice of always allowing scripted windows on A2K?
BTW, my security center is set to "medium-high".
Doesn't anyone here know what I am talking about?
The scripted windows thing may be the green ads, I'm not sure.
Jes- I understand that possibility. What I want to know is why am I not given a choice on A2K of always allowing the scripted windows, as I am on other sites?
we upgraded to IE7, and i experienced the same issue.
to fix:
go to Tools ---> Internet Options
click the Security Tab
click Trusted Sites (green check mark)
click the Sites button on the right
de-check "Require server verification (http:) for all sites in this zone"
add this website to the zone:
unfortunately, now i'm getting Security Warnings on every other page or so
adding to Restricted Sites seems to've eliminated the warnings...
I'll try that Region. Thanks!
Phoenix32890 wrote:Doesn't anyone here know what I am talking about?
Not usually, no. Or are you just talking about this specific time.
that could very well be, Phoenix.
i don't know enough about it to say one way or the other...
but i do know that this is how the settings should look:
Region- I did all that. Ah, I am not going to worry about it!
Place * (asterisk-dot-able2know-dot-com) in the "Trusted" zone for both IE and your firewall, and in both IE and your firewall, allow A2K to place cookies. You prolly oughtta allow A2K to open popups, too; otherwise autoformating text/links/images, PM notifications and spellcheck won't work as they should.