Re: End of the World
EpiNirvana wrote:Do you think the world will end? What does your religion or lack there of, say about this? Is this a good rebirth of mankind or a terrible destruction of our race?
The world as a planet in its current state may indeed one day cease existing. The good news though is that the particles of the earth once it explodes (or is blown up by manrotten) will most likely continue sailing blissfully around in space; so the world technically will not end.
Manrotten may also cease existing...either through reasons connected to stupidity (nuclear attacks, accelerating global warming, depletion by wastefulness of natural resources etc,), or by nature (volcanic explosions causing darkness on the earth and death of plant life and critters or through continued global warming and rising ocean levels, the flooding out of manrotten...'nother words, manrotten drowns. Plates may shift and cause upsurges of land sending people and water from oceans hurtling into newly formed valleys...again, manrotten drowns).
However all is not lost, many of manrotten have souls (albeit soiled nearly worthless souls; but souls nonetheless) These creatures will be sent to other universes and enter into life forms there. It's really all part of a great experiment in which souls go around living in different containment areas (similar to terrariums) and learning.
I have no idea whether my religious background (Jewish/Methodist/Other) had anything or all to do with my beliefs. My Methodist background babbles about a bunch of tables up at God's house where we all get to dine...sounds strange, and doesn't tell me where I will be residing after death. I've heard about peaceful streets and harp music always playing...those two together seem to be contradictory. My Judaic teachings were much more limited and consisted of a Rabbi, a ritual, and years later the annual Passover torture where I was haunted by the idea that a long dead guy would show up and claim his glass of wine. Needless to say I abandoned formal religion. I was also briefly semi-indoctrinated into the Rosicrucians. I remember Mother sitting in a darkened room with an incense cone on a table and a mirror. No light other than the glow from the incense. . Not sure what that was supposed to accomplish and I abandoned my connections with the Rosicrucians at about age 12. She bought the mirror at Gimbel's Department Store on West 33rd or 32nd Street, it was a fancy deal with wooden frame.
I did not however forfeit my belief in a character named God who runs this particular unit of an intergalactic and interuniversal organization.
So, my religious teachings have perhaps contributed to my thoughts and my day to day life has as well. Do my beliefs fall in line with any church? I have no idea, since I do not go to any religious's against my religion. Not all my ideas agree with science either; but, science is involved in my daily thought procedures.
In the final picture, everything has a beginning and an end and all that is here will go on in some form although we as humans probably have no ability to comprehend the full complexity of all the workings. Don't worry about it, just slap a silly grin on your face.
Yeah, I know. You may think I'm nuts. Well, I'm not a religious fanatic so I can't be nuts...can I?