Re: Istanbul Diary(Warning:Adult content, and serious questi
Gautam wrote:But jokes aside - my question is - regarding sex, if sleeping with a woman before marriage is sin, then why not have a guilty feeling about it, but have guilty feeling abt sleeping with a man ? And why treat your partner as a man or a woman ? Why not as a human being first ??
first of all, I'm a turk and know the religion and culture pretty well.
regarding your question:
because it is a greater sin to be gay rather than being straight and making pre-marriage sex with a woman.
infact, the community in turkey (maybe, in istanbul I should say) could understand the pre-marriage relation with someone. (it is a sin, but it is done by a lot of people) But it is unaccepted to be gay. you would be put out of community or treated as if you were sick or something if they find out that you are a gay.
If you ever tried to hold some man's hand on the streets of istanbul, both of you would take the strange looks of people..
It is normal here in hamburg to be gay, I see people walking on the streets holding eachothers' hands and there are festivals and a man can marry a man in hamburg!
well, if you ask me, I don't really care if you are a gay or not. I am straight and happy to be straight

. that's all I care, and I have no concernes about the pre-marriage sex with a person that you love.
and I am a muslim. I drink alcohol when I want and live happily.
Life would be nonsense without our sins, am I right?
(I know the topic is out of date, but I thought I should answer)