Greetings from the city which spans two continents, where two cultures come together and exist in peaceful harmony. Where men are men and sheep are.... (oops, that is for Wales)...Where men are men and I am the stud !!
While I will not bore you with the details of my work (or do u really want to hear abt campaign and sales management for consumer bank in emerging markets ??

), I do wanted to give you all (ok, ok, who closely follow my life Tee Hee) a short description of my evenings (needless to say, that I dated 3 men in three nights) - and in the process ask some serious questions as well. Ideally, I should have posted this in the "relationships" and "spiritiual" categories, but I still dont know how to post the same post in two categories at the same time. And I am too lazy to find them, specially when I am not on my own computer (I am at the airport in Istanbul waiting for my delayed flight !!)
Once again, I will not bore you with the details of how I ended up with 6 phone numbers within 2 hrs on Sunday evening. (Anyone who wants tips can send me a pvt msg

), but what happened after that gets a bit interesting...
Sun Evening - Nothing great, except the guy I met, his father was half persian and half turkish, and the mother was half italian and half yugoslavian - he was one of the most good looking men I have ever met - and a role model in "exoticness" LOL
Mon Evening- I met a guy from New Zealand (talk abt international relationships - a british Indian, a kiwi in the land of Turks !!!) and the post coital conversation was absolutely amazing. Some how the topic turned to failed relationships, and he told me abt the two relationships which ended very acrimoniously for him. And so did I (abt the guy in Prague - and I am so chatty after 4 vodkas and good sex, in my sober state I would have never told him)....Anyways, he was a buddhist, and he told me that it is very important for us human beings to come to a closure in everyone relationships which we have, which is not acrimonius. He said that maybe the guy was hurt as much as I was, maybe he wasn't. But in the remote chance that he was, I was contributing to his unhapiness, and while I was doing it, I could never attain true happiness. In short, he managed to convince me - he was very articulate, and refuted each of my point wonderfully. But in the end, I did end up ringing up Petr (the guy in Prague) and have a decent conversation with him. You know what, he did burst into tears while we were speaking, and that is when I realized how much I had hurt him (even though he was the one who started the fight). But we agreed to remain friends -no relationship, but just friends and keep in touch with each other regularly.
So my question is - Did I do the right thing ? Or I compromised my ego, my self by calling him up ? Am I sucker for falling for my date's arguments ? Would you do the same thing ?
Tue Evening - This turkish guy came over - and he was damn nervous, I could see that. I told him that its okay, he does not have to do anything, we can have a drink and call it quits. There was no pressure from my side. But then I should mention that he was the one who had approached me, chatted me up, given me his phone number first and for 2 days in a row, kept sending me naughty messages on SMS. But anyways, we had a drink and then he took the initiative and...well.. err. what was supposed to happen, happened. But then post facto - he took a major guilt trip !!! He told me how it was forbidden in his religion and how he should not have done this etc etc etc. The funny part is that he just sat there, feeling guilty, rather that wear his clothes and go. But seeing his obvious distress, I started feeling guilty myself, and tried to talk to him out of it. I told him that just becasue he slept with a man, does not make him a bad person. His religion forbids him to do many things (smoke drink etc) but he still does them without feeling guilty !! he also slept with woman before marriage, and that is forbidden in his relgion too !! But I could not convince him. Though afer a while I wanted to tell him - look mate, if you ever go to hell, you are sure to meet me and then we can have great sex again !!

Or just go, so that I can use phone number 4 before it gets too late

He was okay after a while and left, but not before it was too late to do naything else but sleep
But jokes aside - my question is - regarding sex, if sleeping with a woman before marriage is sin, then why not have a guilty feeling about it, but have guilty feeling abt sleeping with a man ? And why treat your partner as a man or a woman ? Why not as a human being first ??
Anyways, Istanbul is always fun, a great place to be in, catch up with all my old friends, date a lot and make some new ones in the process. The free booze is calling, so I'd better end my long long post. I hope you have enjoyed reading it, we will have a good discussion on my two questions and if anyone wants to come to Ist with me in October - I am yr MAN !!!!
And btw, it is okay to feel jealous of my 100% success rate !! Tee Hee