Sun 17 Dec, 2006 02:13 am
Check this out
These people can be compared to any dedicated religious people. They make their belief their foundation, and they defend it by any means necessary.
Note to Mods: I am not advertising this website, but rather noting the absurdity of it. I doubt anyone here will take this website seriously.
People are entitled to believe in whatever they choose to. A good policy which I have found to be handy over the years is to not completely knock any belief a person may have...who knows, perhaps they are in the right and I am in the wrong. Better to give them as much leeway as possible and maybe even look at how they arrived at their ideas than to summarily dismiss and dismember it all as absurd hogwash. Who is to say that somewhere down the road, these very same ideas may not be of use to me?
There are those who do not believe in God...are they absurd or am I absurd in their view for believing? Some people believe that the moon is made of Limburger Cheese and others say it is Swiss cheese with the wholes filled in with ricotta. There are those who believe that there is reincarnation and those who mock it. Some folks believe love is forever, whereas others see it as a fleeting moment and yet others think it's all a pile of rubbish. There are those who can see scientific proof for things and even chart the proof for you. Others will see those charts and claim them to be drawings of a lunatic. See? Ideas and absurdity of those ideas is all a matter of perspective.
There are misguided people in every field of human endeavor. I've met scientists/engineers who held bizarre beliefs. We don't throw out science because some of them are deluded.
Uninformed people often criticize religious/spiritual beliefs because they assume that it is merely an example of "magical thinking", that is, believing in something that you ought to know is false, simply because you want it to be true. Unfortunately, there are quite a few people who do that. However, that doesn't mean that all spiritual truth is false.
Religious/spiritual truth is based on subjective experience and insight, not objective observations as in science. That doesn't make it false. Subjective states have a reality and can convey truth. For example, love is a subjective state, but is no less real. I can't prove that I had a particular dream last night, but that doesn't make it false.
True spirituality is not a set of beliefs. It is understanding based on non-ordinary spiritual experience. To the person having these experiences, they convey truth. However, a person has to have a certain level of maturity to appreciate the significance of spiritual truth. That is why so many misunderstand. If you are open to truth in whatever form is may take, and you seek it out, it will come to you.
I find the flat earthers kind of interesting because it's a way of looking at religion, without the element of religion.
What I mean is that they are starting with a conclusion, then looking for ways to make the facts of the universe fit with that conclusion, and then dismissing and discrediting those that don't fit.
That is exactly what religion does, only the degree of flexibility changes between the liberal and the fundamental churches.....the assumed conclusion never changes.
I know that we must be tolerant of people's ideas but I mean come on, this flat earth idea is medieval. It only takes a bit of common sense to see that all the governments in the world plus companies with any type of satellite can not possibly uphold such an enormous conspiracy.
The same problems don't stop creationists.