A drunk company director was in court today after passing out on a railway track in the afternoon rush hour.
He had consumed a "lethal" amount of vodka and was seen by passengers at 3.30pm crawling along the railway at Epsom.
Astonishing pictures show him asleep and using the rail as a pillow.
Witnesses even said they could hear him snoring from the platform.
Police said he was extraorinarily lucky to have survived.
Oncoming trains had to be diverted at the last minute.
Staff took almost half an hour to wake him and it caused Network Rail almost four hours of subsequent delays, costing £7,296.
The man, a company director from Ashstead, who had "fallen on hard times", was taken to hospital where he later received an on-the-spot fine for being drunk and disorderly.
According to his defending lawyer: "Since this happened he has taken steps to help himself and also arranged to see a counsellor."
Source: (London) Evening Standard, First Edition, 15.12.2006, pages 1 & 7