where to buy pepper spray / taser?

Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 09:53 pm
Hey I wanted to buy my girlfriend some pepper spray/mace or taser/stun thing for Christmas (this isn't the only thing I'm getting her!) but I have no idea where to buy one.

Which is best?
She doesn't carry a purse so maybe something that has key chain or is small but nonetheless effective.

I live in Arizona so if anyone is familiar with the stores around here... I'm thinking like a sporting good store maybe - I'm pretty sure Wal-Mart doesn't have it. I'll get something on eBay if I must but I'd rather get it myself.

Any ideas?! Thanks
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 9,035 • Replies: 24
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 09:55 pm
There's a store on Van Buren by the name of Pepper Spray/Mace or Taser/Stun Thing R US

Give them a try.
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 09:57 pm
Van Buren? I heard that's a good place to find hookers too, just in case anyone's interested.
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 09:59 pm
Apparently its in short supply.

Low supply means go easy on capsicum spray

Andrea Petrie
December 14, 2006

POLICE are being urged to be sparing with capsicum spray because of a manufacturing problem holding up supplies.

Senior police confirm there have been delays in the supply of nozzles that attach to the spray cans because the German supplier is no longer making them.
The Age
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Green Witch
Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:04 pm
The problem with a tazer/taser (sp?) is you have to get very close to someone in order to use it. This is where women are at a big disadvantage, most men can easily turn a weapon back on the woman. It's simply a matter of more upper body strength and stronger grip. I'm a very strong woman by most standards, but there are few men who couldn't arm wrestle a taser away from me (although I'm sure Gus and Kicky look forward to the struggle).

Does your girlfriend feel threatened?
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:10 pm
Check your local laws and ordinances - possession and/or use of self-defense aerosols and/or electronics could bring you unexpected inconvenience.
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:10 pm
I guess I'll just have to get one on eBay.

Yeah she has a bunch of really terrible ex boyfriends that are on drugs and she had to change her cell number and do all the little internet messaging blocks. She told me she's been having nightmares and she can't sleep and it's starting to freak me out. My biggest fear is of her getting raped so I'd really rather be mildly over protective than sorry. Am I being too paranoid?
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:16 pm
Get her a couple Rottweiler puppies - from reputable, sturdy, well-tempered, big-boned stock ... and suitable training for both her and the dogs. You prolly oughtta participate in the training, and be real sure to pay lotsa attention to the pups especially over the first few months, too.
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Green Witch
Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:17 pm
She would be better off filing a complaint with the local police department and letting the parties involved know that the police have their names on file.

I would also wonder why she has so many ex-boyfriends that are out to get her. She apparently has very poor judgement and giving such a person a weapon could be dangerous unto itself. Maybe she is the one being too paranoid, but at the least she should keep a record of the harassment and contact the local authorities.
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:24 pm
Good advice, Green Witch - might even be enough going on there to obtain restraining orders. Worth looking into, and likely far more practical than the other suggestions.

'Course, a couple of 150-Pound-plus dogs, well trained and fiecely loyal ......
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:24 pm
Good logic, Green! So I married an axe murderer eh? Actually it's only 1 boyfriend but the other one is a scumbag. I told her to file a complaint as well but she said you need evidence or something and plus they go to the same church so it would look bad or something. I'm really leaning on the side that she's the righteous soul and not the other way around. But anyway, thanks for the advice.
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Green Witch
Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:28 pm
She doesn't need a lot of evidence, but phone records can be traced back to a caller and police will accept a diary of events. She should try and get witnesses or put her phone on speaker if someone is around to hear the threatening calls. If anyone leaves a threatening message - that is really good evidence and she should not erase it.

I'm big dog lover too Timber, but you can't take them everywhere.
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:29 pm
I would suggest that you try to encourage your girlfriend to enroll into a self defence course, specifically tailored towards fending off an attacker.
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:33 pm
Green Witch wrote:
I'm big dog lover too Timber, but you can't take them everywhere.

I mostly just don't go places my pups aren't welcome Laughing
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:38 pm
I really think the police route would be the best also. She wasn't assaulted or anything - the biggest thing was being screamed to at church - but I don't know what would constitute as evidence. I'll try to convince her.

But she's actually probably stronger than me (which isn't saying much but still..) and fake nails help also! That's a wonderful idea about the self-defense course, malek, thanks! We go to school up in Idaho so there's probably a class at the university I bet.
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 11:15 pm
If she does enroll and learn the basics, it will more than likely build her confidence regarding this problem.
I wouldn't recommend carrying something like a taser as it could easily be taken and used against her, as previously mentioned.
I help run a Martial Arts club and we've started a "streetwise" course which covers a whole range of other topics on how to protect yourself, as well as basic physical training.
There should be a similar course somewhere near to you, I would imagine. Try talking to your local police and asking them for details, as it's not uncommon for them to be linked with such courses.

Also, I would also recommend a personal attack alarm. Noise draws attention and can be enough to put off an attack, or at least cause enough of a distraction so that the potential victim can get away.

The golden rule for someone who finds themself in such a situation is NOT to panic but to keep their thoughts together, focussing on finding the easiest way to get away to a place of safety, or raising the alarm. It could be something as simple as walking to a crowded public area.

Actually taking on the assailant in a physical exchange should be the last option, but if it becomes necessary then she needs to know what to do and what to aim for to achieve the maximum effect.
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 11:27 pm
Depends on where you live, of course. You might try locksmiths and sporting goods stores for the sprays. Do not rely on their effectiveness.
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Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 12:35 am
My ex bf bought me a mild form of pepper spray from a hunting store. It came in a big can used for bears, or a small keychain thing used for dogs.
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Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 01:18 am
Dys wanted my to get a gun for when we go camping in isolated places. I'm a fairly good shot, but nowhere near fast enough to hit an attacker. I opted for pepper spray (purchased on eBay), but I'm not sure I could actually use it.

The self-defence course sounds the best way to go. For me, though, at 63 years old with arthritis in my shoulders, it is no longer terribly feasible; thus the spray or gun ideas.

Dogs are great and I love Rotweilers, but they really aren't practical and can actually raise your home insurance rates. There is a list of dogs that supposedly are more dangerous than others. What it really means is that very stupid people don't train their dogs properly.

Anyway, mycdplayerisbroke, good luck to you both. I hope she goes with the self-defense course.
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Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 02:11 am
OK, cons for pepper spray.

1. It might not work.
2. If it does, it has to be pointed in the right direction. Sounds easy, but..
3. It has to be positioned close to assailant's face. The natural reflex would be for the assailant to grab your hand and easily move it away. Then what do you do?
4. It can be blown in all directions during windy conditions, making it quite feasible that you end up blinding yourself.

If anything were to be used, I would opt for a tightly rolled up newspaper or magazine. Used in a firm stabbing motion to one of four locations, it can be surprisingly effective.
Quite legal to carry, as well.
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