I don't get any at all anymore and it's so nice to know that when the phone does ring, it's actually someone I know, or a wrong number.
I'm not getting many calls at home anymore. When I registered for DNC and had the option to list several phone numbers I listed a couple of the main numbers from my store. I think the DNC list was meant to apply to residences but not to businesses but I listed them anyway and the volume of calls is down about 50%. That's good but the number of junk faxes is up about 100%.
I wish I could stop them.
Back on page 5 I told y'all about JIMMI GRIZZBRACER. I am pleased to report that JIMMI received a letter last week inviting him to attend an informational meeting in Northern Virginia where he could learn more about getting a PHD from some virtual "university." Refreshments ("Heavy refreshments" whatever that means, will be served). JIMMI really wants to go but so far he doesn't have a driver's license. And, since he is only a virtural person, he doesn't have a stomach.
Refreshments may not sit well.
But we are all very proud of JIMMI! -rjb-
About the faxes ... if you look at the very end of the page that was faxed you will see an 800 phone number to call if you do not wish to receive future faxes, call that number and follow the menu, no more faxes:)
Really, Misti? I've heard that if you call those 800 numbers asking to be removed, it just let's them know them know that someone is actually receiving the faxes and you end up getting more of them, not less. I've thought about calling those numbers but was fearful of doing so. -rjb-