Green Witch wrote:CalamityJane wrote:When I was in Manhattan last year, I liked seeing all the remodeled
apartment houses and brownstones around MalcomX & 105th. It was
quite safe to walk around there too...
Not to be rude, but it was safe in the 80's too (at least during the day). It was middle and lower class Black, but it was not East New York or Brownsville. As college students we went to the local "soul food" restaurants for good cheap chow. Where else in NY was macaroni and cheese listed under vegetables? Plenty of street music and a funky ethnic flea market on Saturday mornings where you could get beautiful craft imports from So. America and Africa. What disturbs me now is that so many people doing the renovations are white and male. I know Harlem has had it's up and downs, but I hate to see the gentifcation leaving behind the people who made it great. I love the fact that the brownstones that were once crumbling are being restored, but soon there will a Starbucks on every corner and a Banana Republic where I used to order that macaroni and cheese as my vegetable of the day.
Well, I lived in the mid 80's in Manhattan and it wasn't all that safe - at
least not to this German

. But I agree with you, Green Witch:
all the newly renovated apartments and brownstones are out of
reach for a large population who made Harlem what it actually is famous for - the black community. They're pushed up further north if not into
other boroughs.