And how did it make you feel and think about your own beliefs?
Did having the opposition clarify your beliefs for you?
Did it resolve you to a firm, hard stance?
Did it make you angry or act out of character?
I'm interested to hear
your take, and also
who you consider to be zealot.
Here's my story and it is a fresh one. Please note: this is intended to be respectful. Hope it can be that way.
I was taking a walk and shopping in my neighborhood. Early morning.
There is a nicely dressed older lady who is across the street from me. So, we see each other and I smile hello.
She crosses the street, walks right up to me, and then I notice she is carrying pamphlets.
Yeah, you guessed it: Watchtower.
She's quick, this one, and while my eyes as adjusting to the sun and the fact that she is RIGHT IN MY PERSONAL AREA (I feel easily crowded out and on bad days it makes me very anxious),
she launches into her spiel and tries to hand me a pamphlet.
I listen long enough to calm down (I can smell her breath!), and say "Oh, no thank you, not interested."
"Well, you should be interested! Did you know.....blahblahblah"
She gabbing away with an intensity I hadnt' seen in a while. I interrupt her rather politely, I thought, and say "Yes, I understand that these are your personal beliefs. But I do not believe it, and I am not interested."
To my surprise, she asks "So what do you believe in?"
"I just believe in being a good person. " is where it got wacky.........
"THAT IS NOT ENOUGH! NOT ENOUGH! " she shakes her head and gets her tea breath all in my face.
I make a shocked face, honestly a little taken aback.
And say "You don't think it is enough if you are a good person?"
"NO. That is exactly what Satan wants you to believe. Did you know...blahblah blah. "
At this point, she spiels and attempts to tear me a new one, all this crap about how I am listening to Satan and all this ....yeah, I stopped listening.
I interrupted her again and wished her a nice day. She could only get out "Yeah, yeah, nice day".
This here just got me good. Thanks, lady, for summing up in the exact words the message that others tried to point into my head as a kid.
I just felt sorry for her. Also, she needs to be kept away from children I think.